
  • 网络gas alarm;RBT-RBK
  1. 可燃气体报警器的选点安装与使用维护

    Selection of Setting Inflammable Gas Alarm and its Operation Maintenance

  2. 可燃气体报警器的使用维护和故障分析

    Maintenance and Fault Analysis of the Combustible Gas Alarm Detector

  3. 用户可配置的气体报警器控制芯片的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Gas Alarms Chip in Field Configuration

  4. 可燃气体报警器系统的使用与维护

    Application and Maintenance of the Combustible Gas Detection System

  5. 采用双传感器补偿的可燃性气体报警器

    Design and Implementation on Combustible Gas Alarm Made up of Double Gas Sensor

  6. 在用可燃气体报警器存在的问题分析

    Problem Analysis on On-line Inflammable Gas Alarm

  7. 本文提出一种采用多传感器的气体报警器,用于检测燃烧过程产生的气体,并进行有效的火灾报警。

    The paper puts forward a gas alarm based on multi-sensor techndogy to detect the gas generated in combustion and send out effective alarm for fire .

  8. 涉及产品包括有毒、易燃、易爆气体报警器、控制器、气体监控系统、压力变送器、流量计、温度变送器;

    The main products of ExSaf are toxic , flammable and explosive gas alarms , controllers , gas monitoring systems , flowmeters , temperature transmitters and full-automatic oil analyzers ;

  9. 在生产过程中,为了保证可燃气体报警器的产品质量,需要对其主要的组成部分&电路板进行质量检测。

    The circuit board , which is the most important component of the alarm , need to be inspected to ensure the quality of the product in production process .

  10. 可燃气体报警器是一种能够自动监测空气中可燃气体浓度的装置,其具有结构紧凑、性能稳定、功耗低等优点。

    Combustible gas alarm is the device that could monitor the concentration of combustible gases in the air automatically . It could performance stably with a compact structure , and it consumes little power .

  11. 基于PIC单片机的气体泄漏报警器设计

    A Design of Alarm for Leaking Gases Based on PIC Microcontroller

  12. 可燃气体检测报警器测量结果的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Detector of Combustible of Gases

  13. 固定式可燃气体检测报警器布点安装位置的选择

    Selection of installation sites of fixed detector for combustible gas alarm

  14. 浅谈可燃气体检测报警器管理及应用

    Discussion about Management and Application of the Flammable Gas-detecting Alarm Device

  15. 船用可燃气体探测报警器的防爆设计要求

    Design Requirements of Marine Inflammable Gas Detector

  16. 可燃易爆有害气体检测报警器自动检定装置的成功研制较好地解决这一问题。

    In order to solve those problems , one automatic verification instrument for flammable and explosive gas detection alarm is developed successfully .

  17. 针对固定式可燃气体检测报警器运行管理中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出整治措施。

    This paper discusses the problems existing in the running of the fixed flammable gas-detecting alarm device , and offers the treatment measures .

  18. 该报警器设计方法简单易行,使用效果良好,本文给出了气体泄漏报警器的总体设计原理,关键的硬件电路和软件程序设计。

    The design method of the alarm is simpleness , credibility and efficiency , the main of the software and hardware are provided on the paper .

  19. 从工程上基于CPLD完成了SF6气体浓度超标报警器的设计。

    Applying this technology , an CPLD-based SF6 gas concentration detector is invented .

  20. 装置区设置有有毒气体浓度检测报警器。

    The unit area provides alarm to detect concentration of toxic gas .

  21. 气体多传感器报警器在火力发电厂中的应用

    Application of Gas Multi-Sensor Alarm in Thermal Power Plant

  22. 文中介绍最新研制的一种可由用户现场配置的适用于各种不同的气体传感器的气体报警器控制芯片。

    This paper introduces a new idea about gas alarms chip in field configuration .

  23. 标准气体在检测可燃气体报警器中的重要性

    Importance of standard gases in the detection of flammable gas alarm

  24. 金导体浆料用于可燃性气体传感器和有害气体报警器中,使用方便,性能稳定,成本低,是一种理想的电极和焊结材料。

    Gold conductive paste , which can be conveniently used on combustible gas sensors and warning devices to harmful gas , is a stable in properties , lower in cost , thus ideal material for electrodes and welding processes .

  25. 不掺杂的ZnO薄膜的性能不是很稳定,通过掺杂不同的元素,可应用于还原酸性气体、可燃性气体、CH族气体探测器、报警器等。

    Not doped ZnO thin films is not the performance , by doping different elements , they can be applied to gas probes , alarms which restore the acid gas , flammable gas , gas of CH family and so on .

  26. 该元件对可燃性气体CH4,LPG,H2等有很高的灵敏度,适用于家用可燃性气体报警器。

    This sensing element then achieves high sensitivity to combustible CH4 , LPG , H2 gas concentration , and thus can be applied to home alarming system against combustible gas .