
  1. NPI公益组织发展中心是在政府主管部门、国内外资助型机构、企业界、学界等关键“拥护群”的支持下成立的民间非营利组织。

    Non-Profit Incubator ( NPI ) is a non-governmental organization founded with the support from the government , international and domestic funding organizations , enterprises and academics .

  2. 我国民间非营利组织会计规范问题

    Issues on Accounting Standard Setting for China 's Nongovernmental Nonprofit Organizations

  3. 我国民间非营利组织财务报告的改进

    Research on NGO Financial Reports Improvement in China

  4. 民间非营利组织的财务控制

    Financial Control for Folk Not-for-Profit Organization

  5. 然后比较了政府会计、民间非营利组织会计及预算会计,分析了预算会计的缺陷及建立政府会计的必要性;

    It also compares governmental accounting with non-profit organization accounting and budgetary accounting , and analyzes the flaws of budgetary accounting .

  6. 因此,有学者认为,中国的第三部门的范围应该放宽,分为官方非营利组织与民间非营利组织。

    So , the range of the Third Department of China should be relaxed , divided into official non-profit organization and civil nonprofit organization .

  7. 关于我国事业单位会计制度改革的几点思考&借鉴《民间非营利组织会计制度》

    Think Deeply about the Reform of State-Owned Non-Profit Enterprises Accounting System of our Country & by Study the the Accounting System of Civil Non-Profit Enterprises ;

  8. 本章介绍了我国民间非营利组织财务报告体系的现状,并对现有财务报告中的缺陷和不足进行了分析。

    To the NPO financial report in China , current status is narrated , and the reason of its weak points and defects is also analyzed .

  9. 目前我国社会保障领域的民间非营利组织发展还有待完善,社会参与程度和水平也需要提高。

    At present the field of social security development of private , nonprofit organization has yet to be improved levels of social involvement and the need to improve .

  10. 二是民间非营利组织方面,民间非营利组织应加强自身管理,规范自身建设,提高自身专业化水平,加强制度建设,提高社会公信力。

    Secondly , the NPO should strengthen their own management , regulating their own construction ; improve their professional level , strengthen the system and improve the social credibility .

  11. 在市场经济中,民间非营利组织构成公共部门和营利部门之外的第三部门,在社会生活中扮演了重要角色。

    In advanced market economies , private nonprofit organizations constitute a third sector apart from the public sector and the for-profit sector , playing significant role in socioeconomic spheres .

  12. 近年来,民间非营利组织蓬勃发展,角色日益重要,社会对其期望也越来越高。

    With the prosperous development of the civilian non-profit organization , it has been playing much more critical role in the society , which raises its expatiated social values .

  13. 民间非营利组织财务报告是民间非营利组织财务管理体系的重要组成部分,是民间非营利组织加强与捐赠者及其他公众沟通的重要纽带,也是监督民间非营利组织的重要途径。

    The NPO financial report is an important part of the NPO financial management system , and it is the major link between the donors , public and the organization and an important means of NPO supervision .

  14. 民间非营利组织在关注弱势群体,缓解贫困,重视生态保护等方面有效弥补了政府失灵的缺陷,提高了公益资源使用效率。

    Folk non-profit organizations effectively make up for the defect of the " government failure ", improve the use efficiency of public welfare resources in concerning for vulnerable groups , alleviating poverty , paying attention to ecological protection .

  15. 第五章,我国发展民间体育非营利组织的战略。

    Chapter 5 , In our development folk sports Clubs non-profit organization of strategy .

  16. 整合学生之热情与专业,以及民间企业、非营利组织之资源。

    Third , combine students'enthusiasm and speciality , and the resources of non-governmental enterprises , nonprofit organization .

  17. 民间法在农村非营利组织承担公共责任中所起到的作用

    On the Role of Civil Law in the Rural Non-profit Organizations to Assume Public Responsibilities

  18. 民间环保组织享有非营利组织普遍享有的一般性权利,而环境权利对于民间环保组织来说具有特别的意义。

    Environmental NGOs have the common rights as other non-profit organizations . But environmental rights are especially significant to environmental NGOs .

  19. 因此,在国内民间组织尤其是非营利组织发展并不充分的背景下,民营养老服务机构的生存和发展必然极大地受制于其所处的制度和环境影响。

    If the civil organizations , especially non-profit organizations are not fully developed , the existence and development of private-run service centers will be greatly restricted by the systems and environment .