
mín yínɡ jīnɡ jì
  • private economy;non-state (economic) sector
  1. 在全面建成小康社会、进而全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程中,我国民营经济只能壮大、不能弱化,而且要走向更加广阔舞台。

    On the new journey to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and build a modern socialist China , our country 's private sector should only grow stronger instead of being weakened and march toward a broader stage .

  2. 东西部地区民营经济GDP的估算与分析

    GDP Estimate and Analysis of Privately Operated Economy in East-western Area

  3. 如何发挥民营经济在公路BOT项目中的作用

    The role of the local economy in the road BOT program

  4. 加入WTO与福建民营经济发展中的文化整合问题研究

    Research into the Interrelationship between Chinese Entry into WTO and the Cultural Integration in the Economic Development of Fujian Private-owned Enterprises

  5. 随着我国加入WTO,民营经济发展的竞争环境发生巨大变化,这既给民营经济发展带来了机遇,同时也带来了挑战。

    With the entry into the WTO , the competitive environment for the nongovernmental economy has changed dramatically . This brings both opportunity and challenge .

  6. 东部地区经济的发展,在全国处于领先的位置,其中江浙一带,民营经济GDP的比重占到70%以上,处于优势地位。

    The development of the eastern area economy is in the leading position in the whole country . Especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces , more than 70 % of the local GDP is composed of the Non-public economics .

  7. 华商投资与民营经济的对接可以在资源转化为资本的理论指导下,通过BOT、TOT、并购重组、独资、合资等多种方式进行。

    Under the guidance of the theory of converting resources into capital , the methods of combining the investment of overseas Chinese businessmen and private economy include BOT , TOT , annexation and reorganization , sole investment and joint venture , etc.

  8. 浅论混合所有制经济中的民营经济

    A Study for Nongovernment business in the Mix - ownership Economy

  9. 苏州民营经济发展比较优势分析

    An Analysis of Comparative Advantages of Development of Suzhou private economy

  10. 浅析民营经济发展中的五大误区

    Elementary analysis on five mistaken ideas in development of private economy

  11. 第五、强化对民营经济的金融支持;

    ( 5 ) strengthening the finance supporting western private economy ;

  12. 民营经济是我国非国有国营的所有制形式和经营方式的总称。

    Non-governmental economy is characterized by non-state-run ownership and running manner .

  13. 借鉴江苏经验发展浙江民营经济

    Draw on Jiangsu 's Experience & Develop Zhejiang 's Non-state-operated Economy

  14. 民营经济内涵问题的争论与评析

    Debate on the Implication of Non-state Economy and Comment on It

  15. 发展民营经济对我国县域经济的影响分析

    Study about Developing Private Economy 's Influence on Chinese County Economy

  16. 县域经济发展的关键在于民营经济

    Master Key of the Economic Development in Counties : Civilian-Owned Economy

  17. 民营经济是与官营经济、公营经济相对应的一种经济形式。

    Non-state-run economy is an opposite economic mode to state-run economy .

  18. 税收、财政政策与民营经济的发展

    Tax Revenue , Financial Policy and the Development of Private Economy

  19. 营造良好环境促进民营经济持续发展

    Construction is good and environmental to promote privately owned economic continued development

  20. 市场经营新主体&民营经济论略

    On new market management main body & the cultivation of privately-owned enterprise

  21. 关于现阶段民营经济发展的若干问题的研究

    Studies of Problems in the Private Economy Development in the Present Stage

  22. 青海民营经济的发展现状分析

    On the Developmental Present Condition of Private-owned Economy in Qinghai

  23. 利用比较优势促进苏州民营经济发展政策初探

    Policy Analysis of Promoting Suzhou Private Economy in View of Comparative Advantages

  24. 加快民营经济发展的措施

    The Development and the Problem of Private - owned Economy

  25. 加强民营经济在旅游产业中的比例和作用;

    Improve the private-owned economy 's percent and affection in tourism industry ;

  26. 为民营经济发展构建多层次金融支持体系

    Establish the multilayer financial sustaining for the development of the non-stated economy

  27. 江苏民营经济投融资制约瓶颈及对策研究

    Bottlenecks of Private Economy Finance and Investment in Jiangsu Province

  28. 近年来,民营经济迅猛发展。

    In recent years , private enterprise has developed rapidly .

  29. 民营经济:为何主张与如何主张

    Individually-run Economy : Why to Claim and How to Claim

  30. 民营经济:西部经济发展的助推器

    Private Enterprises : the Propeller of the Development of the West Economy