
  • 网络nation enterprises;national enterprise
  1. 近代民族企业的经营管理思想

    Operational Management Thought of National Enterprise of Modern Times

  2. 中国近代民族企业文化产生的背景分析

    Background of Birth of Chinese Modern National Enterprise Culture

  3. 价值链会计可以帮助我国的民族企业在中国加入WTO后适应变化了的生存环境,是值得推广的一种管理方法。

    In my opinion , Accounting of Value Chain is a precious method which can help China 's enterprises adapt to changing environment .

  4. 利用中国全部工业企业中37个行业的数据,实证研究了FDI对我国民族企业自主创新产生的促进作用。

    This paper explores the promoting effect of FDI to independent innovation of national enterprise based on the37 industrial data of China .

  5. 我国民族企业出口与FDI企业出口关系&基于非线性动态系统实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Relation between Nation-invested Enterprises Exports and Foreign-invested Enterprises Exports in China based on Nonlinear Dynamical System Enterprises Business Data

  6. 随着WTO的加入,我国市场化程度将进一步提高,民族企业要在更加激烈的竞争中生存和发展,惟有创立国内、国际知名品牌,树立品牌战略思想。

    Along with the entry of WTO , our marketing extent will further step up . To surrive and develop in the more intense competition , enterprises only have to establish either national or international famous brards and form brand strategy ideology .

  7. 然后再由MESBIC向那些少数民族企业提供资金、进行指导。这些企业是有成为赞助公司的未来供应商或客户的潜力的。

    The MESBIC then provides capital and guidance to minority businesses that have potential to become future suppliers or customers of the sponsoring company .

  8. 经济全球化背景下如何促进民族企业品牌国际化

    How to Promote the Internationalization of Ethnic Enterprises under Economic Globalization

  9. 浙、闽体育用品民族企业创新能力的研究

    The national sports enterprises innovation ability study in Zhejiang , Fujian

  10. 中国近代民族企业应变时局的策略研究

    The Research of the Chinese Modern Times Nationality Enterprise 's Strain Strategy

  11. 谈压力下我国民族企业统计的新思路

    On the New Statistical Ideas of the National Enterprises Under the Pressure

  12. 近代中国民族企业精神探源

    Searching the Origins of the Modern Enterprise Spirits in China 's National Enterprises

  13. 浔商自身也在创办早期民族企业的过程中,完成了从商人向近代民族资本家的转化。

    Meanwhile in this process they transformed themselves into the modern national capitalists .

  14. 外商投资企业与我国政府、民族企业之间的互动性分析

    The Interaction Analysis of Foreign Investing Enterprises , Government Policies and National Enterprises in China

  15. 我国民营企业经过二十多年的发展,已成为具有较强竞争力的民族企业。

    After more than 20 years development our country 's non-governmental enterprises have become powerful competitive national enterprises .

  16. 本文对新疆少数民族企业在现代企业制度的建立及实际操作等方面进行了探索性的论述,以期探求新疆少数民族企业得以发展的新思路。

    We hope to explore a new thinking which makes the minority enterprise develop more rapidly in xinjiang .

  17. 日本国内出版商并不希望与外来者打交道,在与他们的协商过程中,乐天充分利用了作为日本民族企业这一身份,成功狙击了亚马逊的日本业务。

    Rakuten has used its compatriot status to make pacts with Japanese publishers reluctant to deal with outsiders it seems .

  18. 联想集团,是中国民族企业的旗帜,是中国民族企业成长发展的表率。

    Lenovo , as the banner of national enterprises , has set an example for the development of national enterprises .

  19. 第三,已获得一个大客户的生意的少数民族企业常会有陷入依赖性的危险。

    Third , a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often run the danger of becoming-and remaining-dependent .

  20. 同时现在也是一个创新型的社会,政府鼓励民族企业进行创新和发展。

    At the same time the current society is an innovative society , the government encourages the innovation and development of national enterprises .

  21. 这些思想的确立与实施,使中国近代民族企业得以在同帝国主义国家的企业的竞争中为自己争得了一席之地。

    It was the establishment and reinforcement of these thoughts that helped the Chinese national enterprises survive the competition from those of capitalist countries .

  22. 民族企业最有条件领军中国食品行业&访惠尔康集团总裁叶争鸣

    National enterprises are the most preponderant to head Chinese food industry & About the president of Hui Er Kang Group , Mr. Zhengming Ye

  23. 同时我国部分企业确实存在管理不当的低价倾销行为,易引发外国反倾销指控,这些给我国经济及民族企业健康发展埋下了巨大的隐患。

    At the same time a foreign part enterprise unfair behavior of dumping at low prices for our country economy and national enterprise brought great threat .

  24. 在进一步开放国内市场的大趋势面前,民族企业和国家经济安全面临严峻挑战;

    The secured position of the national enterprises and the national economy will face severe challenge in the trend of the further opening of the domestic market ;

  25. 他们可能实际上躲开银行,因为他们觉得这些银行要么不能理解少数民族企业的特殊需要,要么收取的利率太高。

    They may actually avoid them because they assume that the banks either cannot understand their special needs or charge unreasonably high interest rates . ( 41 words )

  26. 在经历了为期数年的急速海外扩张后,这些银行在一夜之间轰然倒塌,猛然揭示了令人不安的事实:银行可以作为全球企业存在,但只能作为民族企业消亡。

    Their implosion , after years of rapid expansion abroad , rammed home the unpleasant truth that banks may be global in life but are national in death .

  27. 立足本土,塑造灵魂团队,推动民族企业发展;高瞻远瞩,铸造国际品牌,是我们的奋斗目标。

    It is our target to promote the development of national enterprises by taking foot in the local market and creating an effective team and to create an international brand with far sight .

  28. 入世后,国内各个行业都将面临外资的强大竞争,在世贸规则范围内对民族企业进行竞争援助将是必不可少的。

    After the entry of WTO , all trades and professions in our country confronted with the competition from foreign invested enterprises , it is indispensable to aid national enterprises within the WTO rules .

  29. 在当前国际金融危机下,重整制度在拯救民族企业、促进就业、维护社会主义市场经济秩序等方面作出了巨大的贡献,值得推广与完善。

    Under current international financial crisis , the reorganization proceeding has made enormous contribution such as saving national enterprises , promoting obtaining employment , safeguarding the socialist market economic order and it should be popularizing and promoting .

  30. 因此该研究的政策含义是:民族企业在保持控股地位的同时,积极吸引有实力的外资企业参股,并给予其相对多的股权,能够提高民族企业竞争力。

    Therefore , at the same time of keeping national enterprises holding position , attracting powerful foreign capital company participation and giving them comparative more equity stake could raise national enterprise competitive power and ensure industry security .