
mín zú fēnɡ ɡé
  • national style;ethnic style
  1. 对我国建筑传统文化和民族风格的认识

    Some Understanding of Traditional Architectural Culture and Ethnic Style

  2. 简论陶瓷艺术创作中民族风格的继承与发扬

    Brief discussion on the inheritance and development of the ethnic style in ceramic art creation

  3. 具有强烈的现代观念,而又不失民族风格,是现代招贴设计走向世界的一个发展趋势。

    It is a trend of modern poster design towards the world .

  4. 中国羌绣艺术有着强烈的民族风格和与众不同的特征。

    Qiang embroidery art has a strong traditional style and distinctive characteristics .

  5. 探索现代陶瓷艺术民族风格的拓荒者&陶艺家姚永康

    The pioneer of exploring modern china arts of national style

  6. 现代设计空间与民族风格的传扬

    Inheritance and development of modern design space and national style

  7. 论北朝民歌的民族风格

    On the National Style of the Folk Songs of the Northern Dynasties

  8. 目的语民族风格对原文风格传译的影响

    Influence of the national style of the TL upon original style transfer

  9. 论歌唱艺术中民族风格的再创造

    On the Re-Creation of the National Style in the Art of Singing

  10. 现代礼品包装中民族风格的探讨

    Discussion on the Chinese National Style of Modern Gift Packaging

  11. 科幻小说中的非科学元素及民族风格的建设

    Non-scientific Elements of Fictions and the Building of National Manners

  12. 西北散装之建筑室内设计的民族风格与地域特色西宁研讨会

    Seminar on National Style and Regional Characteristics of Interior Design in Xining

  13. 语言民族风格对等与发挥译文语言优势

    On language style equivalent & full play of advantages in target language

  14. 论标志设计的民族风格

    An Approach to the National Style of Logo Design

  15. 和声在民族风格歌曲伴奏中的运用

    Application of Harmony in the Accompaniment of Ethnically-styled Songs

  16. 鄂西建筑的民族风格探索

    Exploring for National Style of Architecture in West Hubei

  17. 旗袍正以浓郁的民族风格,体现了中华民族传统的服饰美。

    Cheongsam features strong national flavor and embodies beauty of Chinese traditional costume .

  18. 浅论中国古典小说修辞的民族风格

    On the national style in the rhetoric techniques of the Chinese classical novels

  19. 关于中国民族风格歌曲发展的思考

    On the Development of Chinese Native Style Songs

  20. 武汉长江大桥护栏装饰图案的民族风格

    National Style of Decorative Patterns on the Railings of Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan

  21. 本文将对日本动画作品的民族风格作较为全面的研究。

    The thesis is about the research into the nation style of Japanese animation .

  22. 现在所说的新民族风格绝对不是将传统的文化原封不动的照搬使用。

    The new national style absolutely is not just a copy of traditional culture .

  23. 新疆建筑地方特色和民族风格的回顾与展望

    The Reviews and Predictions of Regional Characteristics and National Features of Architectures in Xinjiang

  24. 民族风格礼品包装设计

    Experience on National Style Gift Packaging Design

  25. 中国近现代建筑民族风格的审美精神

    Aesthetics spirit of Chinese national architecture style

  26. 第一节,民族风格再现。

    Section ⅰ, reproduction of national style .

  27. 3.2创造新的具有民族风格、地方风格的分洪地区人文景观。

    3.2 Created new humane environment of flood diversion have style of nation and locality .

  28. 发展创新民族风格的包装设计

    Developing Packaging Design of Innovative National Style

  29. 中国建筑民族风格的审美追求

    Aesthetics-pursuing of national style of China Architecture

  30. 中、日现代民族风格平面设计

    Chinese , Japanese Style of Graphic Design