
  • 网络democratic national committee;dnc
  1. 他委任佛罗里达州众议员员斯库茨(DebbieWassermanSChultz)担任民主党全国委员会的主席。

    He chose Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida to head the Democratic National Committee .

  2. 周二,微软(Microsoft)警告称,一群与美国民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)受到的攻击有关的黑客,已对所有Windows系统个人电脑上的一个漏洞加以利用,而该漏洞还需要一周时间才能被完全修补。

    Microsoft on Tuesday warned that a group of hackers linked to attacks on the Democratic National Committee had exploited a vulnerability in all Windows PCs that it would not be able to fully mend for another week .

  3. 在政治方面,63岁的馨祥博士称自己是“典型的独立派”。据联邦选举委员会(FederalElectionCommission)称,他总共为竞选捐款8.24万美元,其中6万捐给了民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)。

    On politics , Dr. Soon-Shiong , 63 , called himself the " quintessential independent . " He has donated $ 82400 to campaigns , according to the Federal Election Commission , including $ 60000 to the Democratic National Committee .

  4. 然而,网络安全公司已展示了可靠证据,确认了侵入美国民主党全国委员会(DNC)计算机网络的组织——人们最熟悉的名字是APT28和APT29。

    However , cyber security firms have set out credible evidence to identify the groups responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee 's network - best known as APT 28 and APT 29 .

  5. 美国参议院多数党领袖米奇.麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)表示国会将对相关指控展开调查,此前中央情报局(CIA)披露一份报告,其结论是俄罗斯入侵美国民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)服务器,让竞选结果偏向特朗普。

    Mitch McConnell , Senate majority leader , said Congress would investigate the allegations following the disclosure of a Central Intelligence Agency report which concluded that Russia hacked into Democratic National Committee servers in an effort to sway the election outcome in Mr Trump 's favour .

  6. 你让民主党全国委员会给我启动资金

    You start me off with funding from the DNC

  7. 民主党全国委员会被侵入的事实并不令人觉得惊讶和有趣。

    Now , the fact the DNC got hacked is not surprising and interesting .

  8. 民主党全国委员会主席霍华德.迪安说,选举的信息十分明确。

    Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean says the message of the election is clear .

  9. 不过,民主党全国委员会邮件泄露事件会是美国机构遭遇的由别国支持的最严重的黑客袭击之一。

    But the theft from the national committee would be among the most important state-sponsored hacks yet of an American organization .

  10. 这些语音邮件显然是从七位民主党全国委员会成员的电邮账号中拷贝下来的,其中有些同僚对桑德斯在民主党中的影响感到不满。

    The voicemails , apparently copied from email accounts of seven DNC members , included party associates upset by Bernie Sanders ' influence on the Democratic Party .

  11. 莫克援引的专业机构包括网络安全公司CrowdStrike。民主党全国委员会的官员怀疑自身被黑客攻击之后,聘请了这家公司进行调查。

    The experts cited by Mr. Mook include CrowdStrike , a cybersecurity firm that was brought into the Democratic National Committee when officials there suspected they had been hacked .

  12. 一些俄罗斯黑客——跟两个月前侵入民主党全国委员会计算机服务器的可能是同一拨人——把美国顶尖运动员当成了最新目标。

    Russian hackers - possibly the same group that compromised the Democratic National Committee 's computer servers two months ago - have made top American athletes their latest target .

  13. 密西根和佛罗里达这两个州在1月份举行了初选。但是因为这两次选举过早举行,违反了党内规定,民主党全国委员会拒绝承认选举结果,还剥夺了这两个州的党代表参加全国代表大会的资格。

    Both states held primaries in January , but the Democratic National Committee refused to recognize the results and stripped both states of delegates to the national convention because the contests were held too early in violation of party rules .

  14. 然而,这会带来一个问题,因为,假设说,美国国家安全局掌握了俄罗斯人侵入民主党全国委员会的确凿证据,并且他们告诉我们俄国人侵入了民主党全国委员会,我们又如何确信呢?

    But this creates a problem because , let 's say , the NSA has the smoking gun that says the Russians hacked the DNC , and they tell us the Russians hacked the DNC , how can we be sure ?

  15. 还有其他几家公司对用来对付民主党全国委员会的恶意软件的代码和被盗文件的元数据进行了分析。这些公司的工作人员找到了这些文件被多台计算机访问的证据,其中有些带有俄罗斯语言设置。

    Officials at several other firms that have examined the code for the malware used against the Democratic National Committee and the metadata of the stolen documents found evidence that the documents had been accessed by multiple computers , some with Russian language settings .

  16. 桑德斯竞选团队经理维弗尔说,电邮证实了“我们很多人已经知道一段时间的事情”,那就是,民主党全国委员会成员“积极地为克林顿助选,并试图损害桑德斯的竞选。”

    The manager of Sanders ' political campaign , Jeff Weaver , said the emails confirmed " what many of us have known for some time , " that DNC members were " actively helping the Clinton effort and trying to hurt Bernie Sanders ' campaign . "

  17. 我们接着谈论美国国家安全局本身以及美国民主党的管理机构——民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)遭到俄罗斯黑客入侵的传闻。

    We move on to talking about stories alleging Russian hacking of the NSA itself and of the Democratic party 's governing body , the Democratic National Committee .

  18. 但是,由于这两个州违反民主党的规定,提前举行初选,因此民主党全国委员会宣布这两个州的初选结果无效。

    But the national Democratic Party disallowed the results because the two states moved up the dates of their primaries in violation of party rules .