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Comment On The Development Course Of Chinese National Capitalism
Henan Gentle Merchants for Independent Development of National Capitalism
Socialist transformation of Chinese national capitalist enterprises had different stages .
Comprador Class and Development of National Capitalist in China
Since 1860s and 1870s , the national capitalist business emerged gradually in China .
The Social Basis of Private Property Right : A Study of Socialism Transformation of Capitalism Enterprises
The subject largely revealed the situation of the development of Chinese national capitalism in that era .
A look at the Chinese Major Social Contradiction in the Modern Times from the Development of National Capitalism
In economy , he recommended to develop agriculture , industry and commerce , national capitalism as well .
They also depended on national capitalist ownership and on ownership by small producers , that is , petty-bourgeois ownership .
How to correctly understand and treat Chinese national capitalism is a severely important task in the course of Chinese revolution .
The last two skins , namely , national capitalist and small producer ownership , were targets of the socialist revolution .
The national capitalism of China was born relatively late , and the condition for its birth and development was very terrible .
About forty years ago , at the turn of the century , China 's national capitalism took its first steps forward .
With the development of national capitalism in China , modern vocational and technical education with distinct Chinese characteristics came into being accordingly .
National capitalistic development was the root of vocational education , conversely , the emergence and development of vocational education promoted capitalistic economic growth .
National capitalist industry and Commerce have been transformed into joint state-private enterprises and have by and large become socialist enterprises , though not entirely .
The reason lay in the bankrupt of the rural economy and the feebleness of national capitalistic development because of the invasion of the western developed countries ;
The article tries to make a historical analysis of socialism transformation of capitalism enterprises based on a perspective of relationship between the state and property right .
The conditions for it to appear were the formation of outlets for goods and the market for labor forces and the stimulation of the foreign capitalism .
National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .
By thoroughly analysis of history facts in national economic recovering phase , the paper studies the policy to domestic capitalism industry and summarizes the historical experience systemically .
They set up a national network of exchange shops and provided services for industry and commerce , which brought a great convenience for the development of national capitalism .
The fundamental purpose of the national revolution is opposed against imperialism and feudalism so as to liberate productivity and find the way for the development of national capitalism industry .
He keenly felt the lag of financial system to the most in modern China , utmostiy advocating financial modernization in order to adapt and promote the development of nationality capitalism .
Because of the imperialism invasion , the development of national capitalism , and the collapse of feudal economy , China were reduced to the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step .
National insurance in China took birth with the introduction of western insurance , the spreading of the idea of insurance in China and the prosperity of the national industry and commerce .
Japanese plundering of mining industry in the occupied regions deformed China 's economic development , reduced China 's national capitalism into an impasse , and held back the proceeding of China 's industrialization .
National capitalism has developed to a certain extent and has played a considerable part in China 's political and cultural life , but it has not become the principal pattern in China 's social economy ;
This is modern industrial capital in Shanxi Province is abundant , relative to the size of the first national capitalism in coal mine enterprises , Shanxi coal industry to the mechanical and half mechanization mining start .