
mín zú jīnɡ shén
  • national spirit;ethos
  1. 他正确地称赞了《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和马克·吐温无意中获得的伟大成就,在这部和其他作品里,创造了一种符合美国民族精神的散文文体。

    He has rightly praised " huckleberry finn ", and mark twain 's great incidental achievement , in it and his another work , of creating a prose-style suited to the American ethos .

  2. 革命文物承载党和人民英勇奋斗的光荣历史,记载中国革命的伟大历程和感人事迹,是党和国家的宝贵财富,是弘扬革命传统和革命文化、加强社会主义精神文明建设、激发爱国热情、振奋民族精神的生动教材。

    Revolutionary cultural relics hold the glorious history of the heroic struggles of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the people , and are records of the great course and touching and invigorating the Chinese ethos .

  3. 他们的民族精神觉醒了。

    Their national spirit awoke .

  4. 民族精神觉醒了。

    The national spirit awoke .

  5. 我为伟大的祖国和人民而骄傲,为自强不息的民族精神而自豪!

    I am proud of our great motherland and people , as well as the unyielding national spirit .

  6. 中华民族精神是一个永恒而又常新的命题。

    Chinese national spirit is an everlasting and often fresh thesis .

  7. 哲学、民族精神与构建和谐社会

    Philosophy , National Spirit and the Building of a Harmonious Society

  8. 青年文化心理与民族精神的培育

    Cultural Psychology of the Youth and the Cultivation of National Spirit

  9. 在抗击非典中发扬伟大的民族精神

    Carry Forward Great National Spirits in the Resistence of the SARS

  10. 论民族精神培育与高校德育

    On the Cultivation of National Spirit and Morality Education in Universities

  11. 对民族精神教育纳入全过程的理论探讨

    On Bringing the National Spirit Education into the Whole Education Process

  12. 武术是中华民族精神的集中体现。

    Wushu is the exact embodiment of the Chinese national spirit .

  13. 关于实施以德治国与弘扬民族精神关系问题的研究

    Research on Relationship between Running the Country with Morality and Ethos

  14. 论盛唐边塞诗表现出的民族精神

    A Small Discussion on the National Spirit Permeating the Frontier Poems

  15. 当代民族精神及其培育的有效途径

    On the Promotion and Cultivation of Today 's National Spirit

  16. 新世纪弘扬与培育民族精神的思考

    Consideration on Enhancing and Cultivating National Spirit in New Century

  17. 民族精神的同一性问题&麦克林教授访谈录

    An Interview with Prof. George F. McLean on National Identity

  18. 经济全球化与民族精神教育

    The Globalism of Economy and the Education of National Spirit

  19. 不同民族精神病患者住院着装需求调查

    Dressing Demand of Mental Inpatients in Different Nationalities in China

  20. 试论武术教育在培育和弘扬民族精神中的作用

    On the Process in Advocating and Cultivating National Spirit from Wushu Education

  21. 天堂早已蕴含在真正的爱尔兰民族精神中。

    And the paradise is already conceived in true Irish state spirit .

  22. 弘扬民族精神争取新的胜利

    March towards new victories with the national spirit of Cuba

  23. 地域文化研究与弘扬民族精神

    Research on the Regional Culture and the Development of the National Spirit

  24. 从文山苗族服饰变化看民族精神

    Judging Spirit of Miao Nationality from Changes of Wenshan Miao 's Dress

  25. 中华民族精神的基本要素是实用理性。

    The basic element of Chinese ethos is Pragmatic Reason .

  26. 法律与民族精神的关系之新解

    New explanation of relation between the law and national spirit

  27. 关于在实践中大力培育和弘扬民族精神的思考

    The Consideration on Cultivating and Carrying forward Vigorously National Spirits in Practice

  28. 民族精神是历史的、民族的,又是现实的、发展的。

    National spirit is both historical and national , both realistic and developing .

  29. 以人为本大力弘扬民族精神

    Humanness Devoting Major Efforts to Carrying the National Spirit

  30. 全球化背景下的民族精神

    On the Ethos of the Nation under Globalization Background