
It is shown that the energy loss effect with resulting in the suppression onRW / Be ( xF ) is more important than the nuclear effects on parton distributions in high xF region .
His second book is better than his first .
Circulation is much more sluggish in the feet than in the hands .
The first film was a low-budget cop thriller11 about illegal street racers , but the sequels have grown bigger and sillier every time .
The implications would be dramatic : GDP would be around a quarter lower in 2030 than the Treasury thought before the crisis hit .
The model has more stable and higher precision than the end coefficient method through validation with different SR motors .
Public-sector net borrowing will be ? ? 146 billion ( $ 237 billion ) or 9.9 % of GDP this financial year , a few billion less than the Treasury estimated in June .
The total boron in cortex of thick root , shoot and trunk was 3 ~ 4 times higher than that in xylem , but the percentage of the 10 B absorbed from 10 B fertilizer in total boron ( Bdff % ) showed no significant difference between them .
The results showed that single grain weight and starch content were reduced under two 6-BA treatments , but the contents of crude protein and glutenin were significantly increased as compared with control .
Seldom was fassbinder 's direction more radical .
The QRS duration of right ventricular apex pacing and septal pacing was longer than right atrium pacing , but the QRS duration in surface ECG of right ventricular septal pacing was shorten averagely about 18 ms ( P < 0.001 ) .
Because there is an about 20 m thick alluvial clay layer in the river bed , the cutoff may be inserted into clay layer instead of bed rock , so that two third of the cost for cutoff will be saved .
His stupid car is louder than a jumbo jet .
A more humorous and raging commentary against war has rarely been written .
The computer is more expensive than the typewriter .
The computer weighs 10 pounds and is no bigger than a dictionary .
That would create even more hostility than a movie praising North Korea .
Mark : Hers is newer than this , but it 's pretty basic .
In my opinion , Empire is a better film than the first one was .
The case hardening process results in gears that have much harder surfaces than cores .
The content of gold in outer zones and bright belt of zonal pyrite are higher .
But would you therefore put the wretched cookery-book on a higher level of estimation than the divine poem ?
In terms of spatial distribution of ecological load , the northwest region is more heavier than the southeast ;
There could hardly be a more topical subject for a film , even if it is set 50 years ago .
( music ) a part or voice or instrument or orchestra section lower in pitch than or subordinate to the first .
The grain size grade is about 4-5 class , and that during the thickness the central is less half a class than the lateral .
On Wednesday , President Barack Obama unveiled a plan to start bringing US troops home at a faster pace than proposed by the Pentagon .
And the value of imaginary permittivity of the composite increases more obvious than that of real permittivity with increasing CNTs content percentage in the sample .
Indeed , the Southeast has greater measured deposition than the Northeast , but both regions have serious methyl mercury problems . Fat deposits were laid down .
Hopefully this film will perform much better at the box office than the first , so that we can finally get that Super Troopers trilogy film .