
  • 网络comparative economics;Journal of Comparative economic;Comparative Economic Systems
  1. 比较经济学的DIM方法对我国经济学界产生了重要影响,并推动了我国经济体制改革的理论创新和实践。

    The DIM method of the comparative economics has an important influence on the economic academics in China , and promotes the theoretical innovation and practice of the economic system reform .

  2. 论“中国式比较经济学”的构建

    On the Establishment of Chinese Comparative Economics

  3. 选取机制设计理论和比较经济学的DIM方法(即决策方法)作为理论视角,构建了大学学术权力运行机制的理论模型。

    This article creates the framework for theoretical analysis for the operation mechanism of academic power in universities and colleges by choosing the decision-making method ( DIM ) as its theoretical perspective which is used in mechanism design and theory of comparative economy .

  4. 本文主要对新旧比较经济学进行了比较研究。

    The paper makes a comparative study on old and new comparative economics .

  5. 比较经济学对中国经济理论发展的影响(1978~2005)

    The Influence of Comparative Economics on the Development of China s Economic Theories ( 1978-2005 );

  6. 最后,本文对新比较经济学与新制度经济学及公共选择理论进行了比较研究。

    Finally , the article is right new compared economics and new system economics and public option theory to undertake comparative study .

  7. 本文以政策科学理论、比较经济学理论、可持续发展理论、国际贸易理论和博弈论为理论基础,分析和比较研究了世界森林产品进出口政策的发展历程;

    With scientific policy theory , comparative economics theory , sustainable development theory , international trade theory and game theory for the theoretical foundation , this dissertation has analyzed and compared the development course of the imports and exports policy of forest products in the world .

  8. 本文主要运用比较经济学的研究方法,在研究内容上主要包括以下内容:首先明确了经济增长与经济发展两个概念之间的联系和区别,进而引入经济比较的概念。

    Comparative study on the economics of the main application method in this article , in the study main contents include the following : first of all clear economic growth and the development of economic relations and differences between the two concepts , thus introducing economic concepts .

  9. 国际政治经济学与比较政治经济学

    COMPARE International Political Economy and Comparative Political Economy

  10. 现在,多数学者都比较认同经济学在历史唯物主义的形成过程中产生了重要作用。

    Now , the most scholars compared the approval economic to have the influential role in the historical materialism forming process .

  11. 目前我国网络教育还比较缺乏经济学视角的研究,网络教育成本分析研究才刚刚起步,实证分析几乎还是空白,尤其缺乏植根于理论研究的实证分析。

    Nowadays studies on the cost of on-line education are not enough from educational economic prospective and almost a blank with empirical study .

  12. 本文运用信息经济学、比较制度经济学和风险量化理论,特别是预期违约频率和公司动态价值的理论,分析了现代商业银行信贷风险防范的问题。

    This Essay analyses credit risk mitigation measures for modern commercial banks by adopting theories of Information Economics , Comparative Institutional Economic Systems and Risk Quantification .

  13. 结论:韶关市区结核病控制项目组合药物利用比较合理,经济学效果较好。

    CONCLUSION : The utilization of tuberculosis control item drug combinations in Shaoguan city is comparatively reasonable and the economic effect is good .

  14. 本文在比较西方管理经济学体系、分析其缺陷的基础上,针对中国的实际需要,对管理经济学体系进行了变革,构建了一个新体系。

    After comparing western management economics system and analysing its drawbacks , this paper constructs a new system of management economics for the practical use of China .

  15. 比较而言,经济学界主要关注的是区域经济发展不平衡的模型研究或趋异分析,地理学界大多进行的是区域差异、差距与政策探索等研究。

    Comparatively speaking , major concerns in economic circles are the study of the model of unbalanced regional economic development or the analysis of divergence . Geography mainly studies regional differences and policy exploration .

  16. 分别用上述两种方法建立居民就医行为模型,比较其在经济学假设、模型拟合的统计学评价以及模型的实际应用上的差异。

    The research fits two different health seeking model using the two discrete choice models above , compare the economics hypothesis , evaluation of statistics about model fitting and the application of the two models .

  17. 货币危机是一个发展时间不长的研究领域,即使比较新的经济学教科书也还未将讨论货币危机发生的模型,尤其是90年代中期才发展完善的多重均衡模型收入。

    Currency crisis is a newly developing research field . The currency crisis model , specially the multiple equilibria model which was developed in the middle of 1990s , was not discussed even in the newest economics textbook .

  18. 本文意图运用历史考察,比较研究以及经济学等分析方法,力图解析部分履行的合理性,对部分履行的地位及适用问题进行分析,并对其在适用时可能出现的问题进行论述。

    This paper intended to use historical research , comparative studies and economics analysis , trying to resolve the reasonable of partial performance , analysising the status and application of partial performance , And , discussing problems may occur discussion in the application .

  19. 他们还强调了避免表面比较和“升降机经济学”(elevatoreconomics)的重要性,“升降机经济学”强调不同时间和不同国家间的微小差异。

    They also say the importance of avoiding superficial comparisons and " elevator economics " that stress small differences over time and across countries .

  20. 因此,这种比较无法超越纯经济学的范畴。

    The parallels , therefore , cannot reach beyond pure economics .

  21. 贸易的比较利益一直是经济学研究的重要论题之一。

    Study on comparative advantage interests of trade is the important issue of academic research .

  22. 跨国并购和新设投资的比较&一个经济学分析框架

    The Choice between Cross border M & A Greenfield Investment : An Economic Analyzing Framework

  23. 本文运用了比较法学与法经济学分析方法来探讨排污权交易制度。

    This article utilizes the comparative law and the law economic analysis method to explore emission trading system .

  24. 比较之下,从经济学角度,对城中村现象及其涉及的中国城市化问题进行的研究还很少。

    However , the research of this subject , from the angle of economics , based on Chinese urbanization , is lack .

  25. 本文使用了分析法学、比较法学和法经济学等多种方法,第一次对过失客观化这一问题做了全面、深入的分析。

    The dissertation firstly makes a comprehensive and further analysis of negligence objectifying , adopting the ways of analytical jurisprudence , comparative jurisprudence and juridical economics .

  26. 本文以法理学、比较法学以及法经济学作为研究方法,以制度的公平与效率价值为核心,对该制度的不足之处进行分析,提出了完善我国动产抵押公示制度的些许想法和建议。

    This thesis use jurisprudence , comparative law and economics as research methods , and the value of equity and efficiency of the system as the core .

  27. 笔者概括性地综述了西方主流经济增长理论与发展经济学的发展脉络,并比较分析了增长经济学与发展经济学的研究思路和理论方法,从经济可持续发展之角度提出自己的评析意见。

    The author outlines the main contents of the growth theory and the development economy , and compares their similarities and differences in the respects of research ideology and the methods .

  28. 银行声誉问题是人们在日常生活中较为熟悉但却一直比较缺少正式的经济学分析的一个课题,声誉理论的发展为此课题的研究提供了条件。

    The reputation of bank is a subject that is a daily concern but lacks of the sufficient economic analysis , but the development of reputation theories offers facilities for it .

  29. 本文主要采用比较研究、法律经济学和法律解释学等研究方法,考察了资产证券化资产转移方面的一些法律问题。

    Employing the methods of comparison research , economic-legal analysis and legal hermeneutics analysis , the article studies the legal issues concerning the transfer of basic assets during the course of asset securitization .

  30. 绪论部分阐明了本研究课题的研究缘起、研究意义,并简要介绍了本文中所运用到的研究方法,如分析法学、比较法学和法律经济学。

    The introduction of this subject illustrates the causes and significance of this research , and briefly introduces the research methods applied in this paper work , such as criterion analysis , comparing analysis and economic analysis .