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  1. 我认为他们把国家的利益看得比党的要重,而这一点是最重要的。

    And I think they value their country more than their party and that is the most important thing .

  2. 出于同样的原因,马上停止战争,比反对党根据目前班加西国家过渡委员会(nationaltransitionalcouncil)支持的条件获胜还要重要。

    For the same reasons , stopping the fighting now is more important than an opposition victory on the current terms advocated by the national Transitional Council in Benghazi .

  3. 内塔尼亚胡保证会继续奉行和平进程,同时也要在以巴谈判中采取比前进党政府更强硬的立场。

    Netanyahu is promising to pursue the peace process and at the same time be tougher than Kadima has been in negotiations with the Palestinians .