
xùn zàng
  • be buried alive with the dead
殉葬 [xùn zàng]
  • [be buried alive with the dead] 用人或器物陪葬

殉葬[xùn zàng]
  1. 秦始皇用泥塑造了这批俑,没有活埋奴隶作为殉葬。

    The Emperor had these clay figures made instead of burying slave-workers alive as immolation .

  2. 晋国大臣魏武子病中吩咐儿子魏颗,自己死后把没有生过儿子的那个宠妾嫁出去,而不要按惯例将她殉葬。

    Wei wuzi , a high minister of the state of Jin ordered his son Wei Ke : after he died , let the concubine who had not borne a son marry someone else , instead of burying her alive with him , which was the custom of that time .

  3. 天空飘落的雪花,那是为我们梦想华丽的殉葬;

    The snowflakes from heaven is a luxuriant exequies for our dream .

  4. 人殉,就是用活人为死者殉葬。

    The human sacrifice is that the living is buried with the dead .

  5. 你这样做简直就是在做旧制度的殉葬品。

    What you are doing is burying yourself alive with the old system .

  6. 岂能因一位女子的德行,就让我去为爱殉葬?

    Shall a woman 's virtues move Me to perish for her love ?

  7. 殉葬是印度一种葬礼习俗。

    Sacrificial burial has been a custom in India , not often practised today .

  8. 人物陶塑主要是从日用陶、殉葬陶俑以及建筑纹饰这几方面演变而来。

    Character pottery evolves from daily use pottery , sacrificial pottery and construction decoration .

  9. 提尔锋早已成了她父亲的殉葬品,他的坟墓在一个常有鬼魂出没的小岛上。

    It had been buried with her father , and his grave was on a haunted island .

  10. 北方佬士兵希望拿到给死者殉葬的珠宝,便挖掘墓穴,劈开棺木。

    Hoping to find jewelry buried with the dead , the Yankee soldiers had broken open vaults , dug up graves .

  11. 王公贵族中古时代斯堪的纳维亚地区的领袖或贵族所有的展品都是古代王公贵族的殉葬品。

    A great medieval Scandinavian chieftain or nobleman . All the exhibits here were funeral objects for emperors and noblemen in ancient times .

  12. 和其他奴隶一样,奴隶主可以任意买卖、馈赠、甚至处死、殉葬。

    Slave owners could sell them , send them as gifts , kill them , or bury them alive with their dead masters .

  13. 用生命殉葬诗歌理想是其守望的失败,也是守望情结的升华。

    To bury the poetry ideal with the life is his failure of watching , and is also the sublimation of the watching complex .

  14. 现已发现的殷商奴隶主大墓中,常有精美的乐器、舞具和随之殉葬的乐舞奴隶尸骨。

    From major tombs of slave owners excavated so far , refined music instrument , dance props and skeletons of dance slaves are often discovered .

  15. 据传真迹随着唐太宗李世民寿终而成了殉葬品,再也没有人见到过。

    It is said that the authentic work was buried with Li Shimin , the emperor of the Tang Dynasty , and was never seen again .

  16. 封建传统势力的殉葬品&评《伤逝》中子君的悲剧形象

    Sacrificial Object of Feudal Traditional Force & An Analysis of the Tragedy of the Heroine , Zi Jun in Lu Xun 's Work Dying In Desperation

  17. 拿动物去殉葬,在这个现代文明社会里,岂非咄咄怪事。一个文明的国家竟敢乱杀无辜。

    Object to holding animals in the modern civilized society , not the aggressiveness Strange things . A civilized country dare to kill innocent people indiscriminately .

  18. 耶稣在给予要素,因此送给他的弟子的标志,他们自己的体验和参与了这项活动,他的殉葬死亡。

    Jesus in giving the elements thus gave to his disciples a sign of their own fellowship and participation in the event of his sacrificial death .

  19. 已有数十只宠物,不仅包括猫狗,还有孔雀、雀鸟,甚至老鼠,都已经按照传统的埃及木乃伊殉葬流程予以安葬。

    Dozens of pets , including everything from dogs and cats , to peacocks , finches and even rats have undergone the traditional Egyptian burial routine .

  20. 作者认为对殉葬的传统解释过分强调政治层面而忽略了这一现象的宗教文化因素。

    The author also holds that the conventional interpretation of the sacrifice of human beings has overemphasized the political aspect , and overlooked the religious-cultural factor .

  21. 1929年春,四川广汉月亮湾的一位农民,在挖掘水车汲水坑时,偶然挖出了一个玉石器殉葬坑。

    While digging in spring of1929 , a farmer at Yuelingwan Village of Guanghan County , Sichuan Province , happened to find a pit full of funerary objects made of jade .

  22. 奴隶制时代,4000到2500年前,流行以活人殉葬,所有的展品都是古代王公贵族的殉葬品。

    In Chinese Slavery Society about 4,000 to 2,500 years ago , living people were buried with the dead as sacrifices . All the exhibits here were funeral objects for emperors and noblemen in ancient times .

  23. 也许我们只是时间消费的筹码,活了一世不过是为那一世的岁月充当殉葬品,根本不会想到快乐。

    Probably , we are nothing but the counters of time consumption , living a life but to be the funerary objects of the time of life , and happiness does not occur to our mind at all .

  24. 做源人殉葬,做佛像膜拜,做“耍货”玩赏的民间风俗,是中国泥塑艺术得以发展的主要原因。

    Do a source person to bury , do statue of Buddha to worship , do the civil customs that " play goods " appreciate and enjoy , is the main reason that the Chinese clay figure art can develop .