
  • 网络swordsmen film
  1. 从娱乐功能看金庸武侠剧的接受心理

    On the Receptive Psychology of Jin Yong 's Chivalrous Dramas from Recreational Function

  2. 湖南卫视上周日晚完美收官的武侠剧《新白发魔女传》便是一例。

    The most recent example is the Chinese wuxia drama series The Bride with White Hair , which finished last Sunday night on Hunan Satellite TV .

  3. 《武林外传》作为新型武侠剧,在江湖概念和侠义精神等方面对于传统武侠作品有传承,不过更多的是颠覆。

    As a new model of martial program , My own swordsman subverts more than preserves the concept of rivers and lakes as well as errantry .

  4. 一部别出心裁的武侠剧:一个爱下棋的皇帝,一群身怀绝技活生生的“棋武士”奕博的是“生命”。

    Unconventional swords play centers on an emperor who is very keen on playing chess , but not good at it at all , and a group of lovely swordsmen who experience bloodshed and death every moment .

  5. 目前中国电视剧类型繁多,有历史戏说剧、武侠剧等,但是,近年来现实题材的电视剧一直是电视剧市场最活跃的一种,也一直占据收视排行的前列。

    The Chinese video types are various . There are historical play joke and martial arts family ethics , but in recent years , the TV series of realistic themes has been most active in the video market and has been occupying the forefront of the audience rating .

  6. 中国内地武侠电视剧出现较晚。

    The appearance of Chinese mainland swordsmen TV series was relatively late .

  7. 本文第一章主要是对内地武侠电视剧的发展历程进行梳理,以期对其艺术性进行挖掘。

    In chapter one , we mainly clear up the evolution of mainland swordsmen TV series to find its artistic .

  8. 中国武侠电视剧到底在朝着一个什么方向发展,它的前程又会是怎样的?

    Chinese martial arts drama in the end what is moving in one direction , its future will be like ?

  9. 本文旨在纵向研究中国内地武侠电视剧的发展史、故事类型、叙事特色和影像叙事上的演变过程。

    This thesis aims to longitudinally study of mainland swordsmen TV series history , story type , aesthetics and images on the style of the evolutionary process .

  10. 第二章以故事类型为基准,把中国内地武侠电视剧分为历史演义剧、草莽恩怨剧、公案武侠剧和神怪武侠剧。

    In chapter two , according to story type , we classify mainland swordsmen TV series into historical romance TV series , wilderness resentment TV series , kung-an swordsmen TV series and gods and spirits swordsmen TV series .