
zhènɡ zài jìn xínɡ shí
  • progressive aspect
  1. 抢劫正在进行时,警察来了。

    During the plunder , policemen came .

  2. McEwen说,这也许是因为水在短时间内迅速蒸发掉了,当分析过程正在进行时,星球表面并没有水的存在。

    Dr McEwen said this could be because the water quickly dries on the surface and did not happen to be there when the analysis was carried out .

  3. 当重播正在进行时写入日志记录。

    Log record was written when replay was in progress .

  4. 但在某一刻,你开始意识到你的生活是正在进行时。

    But at some point you start to realize your life is happening now .

  5. 测试运行正在进行时,单击“测试结果”窗口工具栏上的“停止”。

    While a test run is underway , click stop on the test results window toolbar .

  6. 当有一个更早的异步调用正在进行时,不能阻止此套接字上的调用。

    Cannot block a call on this socket , while an earlier async one is in progress .

  7. 这个技巧由精神学家史蒂芬。拉博兹发明,即当梦境正在进行时强制改变自己的认知。

    This technique , created by psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge , stresses the recognition of dreaming while it 's in process .

  8. 另一个作业正在进行时无法搜集访问者。启动新的搜集作业前,您需要停止现有作业。

    The audience cannot be compiled while another job in progress . You need to stop the existing job before start new compilation job .

  9. 语音电话正在进行时无法拨打数据电话。请在语音电话结束后重试。

    Unable to place a data call while a voice call is in progress . When the voice call has ended , try again .

  10. 另外一个被伦理原则鼓励、但是很少达到的方面,是在项目研究正在进行时对它审查。

    Another aspect that is encouraged by the guidelines – but rarely achieved – is ongoing review of research projects , while they are being carried out .

  11. 新一轮的华人移民潮正在进行时,而其背后的推动者则是一群越来越年轻的莘莘学子。英语对这一代人来说不再只是一门知识,而是解开大千世界纷繁奥秘的一门鲜活的语言。

    A new wave of Chinese migration is afoot , fuelled by ever-younger students for whom English is not a piece of knowledge to be learnt but a living language able to unlock the intricacies of the wider world .

  12. 特斯拉尽管在佛罗里达州那起事故发生几周后便知道了事故情况,但直到6月末美国国家公路交通安全局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)宣布正在进行调查时,才公开披露此事。

    Although Tesla learned of the Florida accident a few weeks after it happened , it did not publicly disclose it until late June , when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced it was investigating the crash .

  13. 听见手术室里正在进行截肢时的惨叫,是多惨的时刻啊!

    And oh , the horror of hearing the screams from the operating ward where amputations were going on !

  14. 在中国东部的城市南京,劳里的组画正在展览进行时。

    Until now . A collection of Lowry paintings is being shown at an exhibition in Nanjing in eastern China .

  15. 当创作沙盘图像的过程正在进行中时,通常是不予以中断的,以便制作人能够贴近他们鲜活的身体及想象的体验。

    Sandplay pictures are generally not interpreted while a process is going on so that the maker can stay close to the living experience in their body and imagination .

  16. 只有当游戏正在实际进行时,全部游戏信息才会输出;否则,只会写入高分信息和游戏活动标志。

    The full game information is output only if a game is actually in progress ; otherwise , just the high score information and the game live flag is written .

  17. 必需步骤是文档提交时定义的步骤。一次可选步骤是文档提交后而工作流正在进行中时添加的步骤。

    Required steps are steps that were defined when the document was submitted . One-time optional steps are steps that were added after the document was submitted while the workflow is in progress .

  18. 1917年3月,当一场具有空前规模的世界战争正在激烈进行时,俄国爆发了二月革命,统治俄国300多年的罗曼诺夫王朝被推翻了。

    In March , 1917 , when an unprecedented scale world war was intensely carrying on , Russia broke out February Revolution . Romanoff dynasty , who had ruled the Russians for more than 300 years , was overthrown .

  19. 当EnterpriseReplication在运行,并且正在进行数据复制时,对复制表的以下alter操作是受支持的

    When Enterprise Replication is active and data replication is in progress , the following alter operations are supported for replicated tables

  20. 其它在某些特定时刻引发的认证问题,如当客户端正在进行身份模拟时;

    Other authentication issues revolve around timing such as when client impersonation comes into play .

  21. 当正在进行终止过程时客户访问这个网站,又会发生什么情况呢?

    What happens if the client tries to access the site when the termination process is taking place ?

  22. 在评价目前中国正在进行的改革时经常讨论的一个问题是中国改放它的权限到底到什么程度。

    An issue that arises when judging the effectiveness of on-going reforms in China , is which jurisdictions China should benchmark itself against .

  23. 最近几十年,在美国企业不断抛撒多余的现金流,或者收益率曲线变得陡峭(显示复苏正在进行)之时,美国从未出现过衰退或双底衰退。

    In recent decades there has never been a US recession , or double dip , when US companies have been throwing off spare cash flow nor when the yield curve is steep ( signalling an ongoing recovery ) .

  24. 当去年12月公众得知相关机构正在进行此类试验时,全球一片哗然,研究人员被迫宣布暂停相关研究,直到国际科学界能够对该研究的道德和安全性进行重新评估。

    When the public learnt such experiments were taking place in December , there was such an uproar that researchers were forced to announce a temporary moratorium until the ethics and safety of such research could be reassessed by the international scientific community .

  25. 下面是正在进行数据重分发时发出db2LISTUTILITIESSHOWDETAILS后得到的输出。

    The following output results from issuing db2 LIST UTILITIES SHOW DETAILS while data redistribution is in progress .