- 网络Forward Supply Chain

China has paid much attention to forward supply chain , but there is little concern on reverse supply chain .
Combining the vehicle forward supply chain and reverse supply chain to form a closed-loop automotive industry supply chain system becomes an important issue .
Reverse logistics , as a supplement to forward logistics , provide a solution to environment protection , efficient utilization of resources and effective achievement of sustainable development .
The only research of the products of the traditional car forward supply chain process from raw materials to the consumer , but does not consider waste disposal after consumption .
At the same time , the closed-loop supply chain as being included in supply chain and reverse supply chain , supply chain integration is a business strategy to achieve sustainable development an important way .
Finally , the closed-loop supply chain system dynamics models should be simulated under different scenarios , to analysis the change of the original forward supply chain dynamics in different ratio of recycling waste products .
With the depth of understanding and researching , the concept of closed-loop supply chain is put forward . The basic meaning of closed-loop supply chain is to integrate product recovery process of reverse logistics based on the traditional supply chain .
Closed-loop supply chain is a network based on the integration of forward and reverse supply chain , in which products flow from manufacturing sites to consuming sites and used products flow backward .
This thesis mainly analyses some idea on closed-loop supply chains based on integrating conventional supply chains and reverse supply chains , and takes a research on closed-loop supply chains management in Chinese medicine appliance industry .