
An Analysis of the Impact of Media Crisis Communication on Public Perception of Crisis
The development of crisis communication with new media is based upon self-development of new media .
Media crisis communication is considered to be the most effective instrument to guide public and stabilize society because of its great influence on public perception .
Describes the symptoms of the identity crisis and its harms ;
Public Opinion Explanation Function of Major Media in Crisis Promulgation
A Research on the Functions and Problems of Internet Media in Crisis Reporting
Functional Study of Media in Crisis Communication Based on Media Economics and the Coping Strategy
Raising a new issue is efficient to communicate with the media in a crisis .
Analysis of Plane Media Reports of Snow Disaster : A Case Study of Three Evening Newspapers
On the other hand , the emerging social media is playing a more important role than before .
As an important force in response to the crisis event , the media in crisis management played a very important role .
From this , further summarized the current news media public crisis to report existed the question , and put forward the solution countermeasure proposal .
The abundant commentary on British television 's faking crises , including Jeremy Pitman 's recent Mac Taggart Lecture , doesn 't show British 's media in the best light .
This research has enriched crisis management for local television media in our country to some extent , and given local television station more practical and sensible theoretical direction on crisis management .
In recent years , with the emergence of crisis event , and the widespread effects that has caused in home and abroad , topics about government crisis management and media crisis communication had began to constantly come in the public eye .
He has further conducted consultancy-cum-MBA training in corporate strategy and competition analysis , media management and crisis communication .
Corporations need to draw up the plan for crisis management .
The Royal scandal has distracted media attention away from the economic crisis .
Web Media 's Moral Crisis And Social Responsibilities
The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example
Low unemployment and what had been a drop in media attention on the financial crisis were cited as factors for the improved outlook .
Media have the function as enlarging voices and making judgment , and it will greatly influence the public accepting and judgment of the organizations involved .
As the public crisis management is still in its initial stage , it needs a breakthrough for the news media to be involved in the public crisis management .
The thesis focus on the study of all the elements and running of new media interactive crisis communication mode , and the analysis of crisis communication modes of new media and traditional media .
The concrete measure that the television media : the public opinion direction , build up the hard news affairs of fast respond a mechanism , establish the specialized organization and universality to meet an emergency knowledge .
The seven part is the part of conclusion which makes a summarization with the above analysis . In addition , it gives an encouraging outlook into the developing prospects of Chinese media participation in public crisis management .
Therefore how to view the role and effect of Internet media in public crisis management , how to clarify the relation between the Internet and public crisis , all of these questions are the paper study as the mainly content and significance .
As to neglect the negative effects produce by media in public crisis , the official and the mainstream media should ensure their own credibility , strengthen the supervision of public opinion , and also should grasp the quantity , quality , angle and scale of communication .
The article will be a simple comparison newspaper and periodical , broadcast , Internet and television these four kinds of mainstream media in public crisis in the advantages of guiding public opinion , mainly studies how to improve the TV media in public crisis of consensus guidance function .
The fortune forum , a charity gathering earlier this year that brought together the likes of Ted Turner , founder of the CNN media group , and Vincent tchenguiz , the property entrepreneur , drew mocking coverage for the champagne that flowed in the midst of a financial crisis .