
  • 网络MUN;Model UN;NMUN;Model United Nation
  1. 具有在模拟联合国项目、指导项目中工作的经验,会西班牙语。

    Megan has worked with students in a Model United Nations program , a mentorship program , and also speaks spanish .

  2. 很多同学说模拟联合国社团的活动非常激动人心。

    Many students also said that they found the mock UN session held by the Model United Nations ( MUN ) to be quite inspiring .

  3. 我的下一个目标就是要成功完成在mit的模拟联合国活动。

    My next aim is Model UN conference in MIT . I think I can do it well .

  4. 模拟联合国会议召开所遵循的程序与规则。

    The rules by which a Model UN committee is run .

  5. 曾经参与过或正在参与模拟联合国活动的人。

    People who have participated or are participating in Model UN activity .

  6. 很荣幸能参加这个模拟联合国活动。

    It 's my great honor to take part in this Mun activity .

  7. 我很欣赏此次模拟联合国大会将气候变化作为讨论的主题。

    I welcome in particular the holding of a Model UN conference dedicated to climate change .

  8. 模拟联合国会议的最高负责人,掌控组委会及主席团的各项工作。

    The supreme leader of the Model UN conference , in charge of the secretariat and dais .

  9. 指导教师是负责指导学生运营模拟联合国社团并训练模联代表团的教学人员。

    Faculty Advisor is a teacher or faculty responsible for advising students to run a Model UN club and training a delegation .

  10. 是次模拟联合国大会议题不单涉及国际事项,还会重点讨论亚洲事务。

    The AIMUN , organised by Peking University , not only focuses on global affairs , but also addresses specific issues within Asia .

  11. 学生的交流表达和组织协调能力都在模拟联合国的活动中有了明显的提高。

    The communicational and expressive skills of a student , as well as the ability of organizing and coordinating , can be improved in the conference too .

  12. 秘书处又称组委会,主要负责模拟联合国会议的学术及会务组织工作,通常由学术总监、代表联系人、会务总监、技术总监等人员组成。

    Secretariat is the organ in charge of conference affairs ; normally it consists of Director of Academics , Liaison ( Delegate Coordinator ), Director of Logistics , Director of Technology etc.

  13. 模拟联合国是一种通过让学生担任别的国家的立场,以模拟联合国机构的方式,就世界性的议题在联合国的精神下取得一致的方案的活动。

    Model UN is an educative and academic event to let students step into the shoes of a real UN diplomat and approach world issues in the form of UN organs to bring out their own solutions .

  14. 是的达斯丁进了模拟联合国很快就能拿罗氏奖学金或者别的什么了而吉姆被评为年度教师

    Yeah , and Dustin is heading up Model UN , soon to be Rhodes Scholar and who knows what else.And Jim , teacher of the year . Well , hey , listen ... I mean , come on .

  15. 让我印象深刻的是,这次模拟的联合国会议只用了主办方两个月的时间准备。

    I understand , and that is really impressive that it only took two months for the organizer to prepare the conference entirely simulating a UN conference .

  16. 通过广泛的观测数据分析和模型模拟研究,联合国气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在其2007年发表的气候变化第四次评估报告得出全球气候正在变化的结论。

    Based on an extensive synthesis of both empirical and modeling research , the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) unequivocally concludes that global climate is changing .