
  • 网络SimCity;sim city;SimCity Societies
  1. 威尔•莱特曾经开发过史上最成功的一些游戏作品,包括艺电公司(ElectronicArts)出品的《模拟城市》(SimCity)和《模拟人生》(TheSims),全球总销量超过1.5亿套。

    Will Wright has created some of the most successful video games of all time , including electronic arts ' SimCity and the Sims , which has sold over 150 million copies worldwide .

  2. 赖特先生说模拟城市正是出自蒙特梭利。

    Mr Wright says SimCity comes right out of Montessori .

  3. 应用GIS模拟城市大气污染物浓度分布

    Using GIS to Simulate Distribution of Ground Concentration of Urban Air Pollution

  4. 本文利用GIS软件,以城市土地利用和人口统计数据为主要辅助数据,提出了模拟城市人口空间分布的新思路和方法。

    An approach of simulating spatial distribution urban population is proposed using urban land use and census data through the GIS .

  5. 本项研究模拟城市人口动态,集成多智能体、GIS、元胞自动机,自下而上建模,为城市发展、建设、管理和规划提供决策支持。

    In this research multi-agent , GIS and Cellular Automata ( CA ) are integrated together , and bottom-up modeling is used to provide decision support for city development .

  6. 同时结合城市增长理论分析了城市增长过程中土地增值状态,并利用CA模型和GIS地理信息系统的集成模拟城市增长与土地增值的动态变化过程,充分揭示城市增长与土地增值的内在联系。

    Moreover , with the use of CA model and GIS integration of geographic information system , it has simulated urban growth and land value increment dynamic process .

  7. 为了提高城市生活垃圾风力分选效率,应用气固两相流的基本理论,并采用流体力学专用软件FLUENT模拟城市生活垃圾风力分选流场的固相颗粒的平均速度。

    A multi-dimensional two-phase model and a special software of hydromechanics FLUENT are used to simulate the average speed solid flow in municipal solid waste ( MSW ) .

  8. WRY模式提供了若干模拟城市区域的参数化方案,包括Slab模式和单层城市冠层模式(UCM)等。

    WRF Model provided several option in urban simulation , including slab model and a single layer urban canopy model ( UCM ) .

  9. 采用SBR渐减曝气工艺处理模拟城市生活垃圾填埋场新鲜渗滤液,实验研究了反应器运行条件与出水水质的关系及有机碳的转移规律。

    Fresh leachate from simulated municipal solid waste landfill was treated by sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) with tapered aeration . The study analyzed the effects of operation parameters on effluent quality and the transfer of the organic carbon released from leachate .

  10. 采用改进的ARPS动力模式模拟城市街谷流场,应用动力和能量平衡耦合模式模拟街谷温度场日变化过程。

    The dynamic sub model ARPS is improved to simulate the flow field over two dimensional street canyons . An energy budget sub model coupled with the modified ARPS is developed to compute the thermal structure .

  11. SLEUTH模型是元胞自动机模型的一种具体实现,它包含了四种城市增长方式和五个增长系数,再加上两个控制因素层一起作用于输入数据,能够较好地模拟城市的扩展。

    SLEUTH model is a kind of CA , it is composed by four growth rules and five coefficients , in conjunction with the excluded layer and the slope layer , it can successfully model the urbanization .

  12. 对比试验发现,在腐蚀型测试介质中(模拟城市酸雨),阳极区可以观察到氧化现象,但是由于BiTA对铜锈的稳定作用,峰值电流明显降低。

    The compared experiments find that in the corroding type of testing medium ( acid rain of a simulated city ), the oxygenation can be observed in the anodic area , but because the BiTA stabilize the copper , the peak value of the electric current is obviously reduced .

  13. 护砌方式对模拟城市河道水质净化及稳定化的影响

    Effects of simulated urban river embankments on water purification and stabilization

  14. 模拟城市生活污水对混凝土的加速腐蚀

    Laboratory study on accelerated corrosion of concrete by artificial sewage artificial life

  15. 模拟城市[一款游戏]更确切地说是我设计的模拟城市谢尔顿奥波利斯

    Sim City . More specifically , the Sim City I designed Sheldonopolis .

  16. 所以我们决定拥有《模拟城市2000》,

    And so we decided , of course , to have Sim City 2000 ,

  17. 然后在这个模型框架上,构造了一个用于模拟城市空间人群流动动态变化的动态演化模型。

    By that , a dynamic model is constructed especially for simulating urban pedestrian flow dynamic evolution .

  18. 因此,研究新的城市模型来模拟城市的扩展已经迫在眉睫。

    So it is extremely urgent to construct new urban model to model the growth of urban .

  19. 模拟城市酸雨条件下形成铜锈的稳定性研究

    The Study on the Stability of the Bronze in the Acid Rain Condition of a Simulated City

  20. 模拟城市径流中加乐麝香和镉对大型水蚤的毒性效应

    Toxic effects of galaxolide and cadmium on Daphnia magna under polluting flow conditions containing soil-water interfaces from urban areas

  21. 第二章在界定城市用地扩展相关概念后,分析城市用地扩展的影响因素和规律,为实证部分模拟城市用地扩展规律做准备;

    Second chapter introduce the concept of in urban land expansion , analysed the influencing factor of urban land expansion ;

  22. 其次,我们建议了一个简单的博弈模型来模拟城市公共交通网络的演化过程。

    Secondly , we have suggested a simplified game theory model for simulating the evolution of the urban public traffic network .

  23. 单纯利用传统的静态模型已经无法满足模拟城市动态系统过程的要求。

    Simply using traditional static models have been unable to meet the requirements of simulating the process of urban dynamic system .

  24. GB/T2624-1993流量测量节流装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里管测量充满圆管的流体流量采用激波拟合法数值模拟城市雨水管道中明满流混合流动

    " Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates , nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full "

  25. 新型机器人汽车不但能够自动行驶,还能在科学家设计的模拟城市环境中应付各种变化。

    Scientists are developing vehicles which will not only be driven by robots independently , but will be able to operate in a simulated city environment .

  26. 南水北调工程对我国北方地区(春季)气象环境影响的数值模拟城市规划中绿化布局对区域气象环境影响的数值试验研究

    The Simulation of the Local Meteorological Environment Change due to Water Transportation from South to North China Simulation of greenbelts effect on meteorological environment in urban planning

  27. 此外,该模式系统由于能够较为准确地模拟城市范围内污染物的时空分布,在城市空气污染防治规划方面具有较为广泛的应用前景。

    In addition , because the model system can correctly simulate space-time distribution of pollutants , it has a wide application foreground to urban air pollution prevention planning .

  28. 本文根据非线性运动波法理论,介绍了四点非中心隐式有限差分格式模拟城市雨水管网的技术。

    Based on the non-linear kinematic wave method , a technique using the four point , excentric , implicit , finite-difference numerical scheme to simulate the urban storm sewer system is introduced .

  29. 村落拟城化是指在城镇化进程中村落在外部景观上模拟城市,在内部关系上仍然相当程度保持村落特征的现象。

    The phenomenon of the village imitating the city means that in the process of urbanization the village imitates the city on exterior landscape , while still quite maintains the village characteristic in internal relations .

  30. 开展城市大气污染物浓度的预测预报工作,准确地模拟城市区域排放污染物的扩散,是加强大气污染防治,实现环境综合管理和决策科学化的重要手段,对评价城市环境质量具有重要意义。

    Precise prediction and simulation of air pollutants emission and diffusion in urban area are very important for air pollution control , comprehensive environmental management , scientific decision making and assessment of urban environmental quality .