
  • 网络The Sims;The Sim;mod
  1. “模拟人生3”是一款“模拟实际生活的虚拟游戏”,由模拟人生工作室研发,电子艺界游戏公司(EA)发行。

    The Sims 3 is a " strategic life simulation game " developed by The Sims Studio and published by Electronic Arts ( EA ) .

  2. “模拟人生”还捧走了“最佳设计”和“最佳工程”两个奖项。

    The Sims also picked up awards for Outstanding Game Design and Outstanding Game Play Engineering .

  3. 《模拟人生社交版》游戏(TheSimsSocial)或许是这方面最好的实例。

    The Sims social is perhaps the best example of that .

  4. 电子艺界还能通过销售虚拟货币和虚拟物品获利,例如《模拟人生Facebook版》的重度玩家就会乐意为此掏腰包。

    EA also makes money from games such as Sims social when heavy users buy virtual currency and other items for their games .

  5. 在这全新的模拟人生系列手机游戏中让你加入DJ的行列!

    Put yourself in the shoes of a DJ with the new game The Sims series on mobile !

  6. 露西布拉德肖是Maxis公司的高级副总裁,负责电子艺界公司(ElectronicArts)旗下两款热门游戏《模拟人生》(TheSims)《模拟城市》(SimCity)的运营事务。

    As senior vice president of Maxis , Lucy Bradshaw oversees The Sims and SimCity at Electronic Arts ( EA ) .

  7. 今年美国顶级学府MBA的招聘大户中就有两家游戏公司,一家是艺电(ElectronicArts),《模拟人生》(Sims)就出自该公司,另一家是在Facebook上经营FarmVille游戏的Zynga公司。

    Two of the leading recruiters for MBAs at the top US schools this year are rival games companies Electronic Arts , creators of the Sims characters and Zynga , which runs the FarmVille game on Facebook .

  8. 游戏简介:模拟人生保龄球是一款完美的手机游戏,手机专用的版本!

    The Sims : Bowling is a perfect mobile phone games , mobile-specific version !

  9. 超过一半的《模拟人生》玩家是女性。

    Over half of Sims players are female .

  10. 和“模拟人生”一样,“帝国时代”把非传统游戏玩者带进电脑世界。

    Like the Sims , Age of Empires brought non-traditional game players to the computer .

  11. 现在你可以有更多方式去享受模拟人生和发挥你的创造力!

    Now you have even more ways to enjoy your Sims experience and unleash your creativity !

  12. 位居学院“年度最佳游戏”金榜榜首的是来自“电子艺术”的作品:模拟人生。

    Topping the Academy 's list as Game of the Year , was the Sims from Electronic Art .

  13. 我努力想让人们真正地感受到,与《模拟人生》交互到底意味着什么,

    I try to make people really feel what it meant to have an interaction with The Sims ,

  14. 在模拟人生2豪华版中,你可以享受模拟人生2中的所有乐趣和创造力!

    Enjoy all the fun and creativity of the sims ? 2 in the sims ? 2 Deluxe edition !

  15. 你的模拟人生将享受舒适的客房服务,得到宠爱自己,在水疗中心,和更多。

    Your Sims will enjoy the comfort of room service , get pampered at the spa , and more .

  16. 除了房屋起火和泳池梯子消失事件外,1985年的电子游戏《小小电脑人》的目标和《模拟人生》基本一致。

    With the exception of the latter two , those were also the objectives of the 1985 video game Little Computer People .

  17. 在《模拟人生》的演化历程中,她起到了举足轻重的作用。这款游戏至今已经售出超过1亿套(《模拟人生4》将于明年秋天上市)。

    She 's played a pivotal role in evolving The Sims , which has sold over 100 million copies ( The Sims 4 arrives next fall ) .

  18. 同时另外一半参与者玩一种叫做“模拟人生2”的游戏,该游戏是一种“随意的”模拟游戏,玩时需要大量的观察,并且需要讲究策略,但是可以以缓慢的速度进行。

    Meanwhile , the control group played The Sims 2 , a " casual " simulation game that requires a great deal of observation and strategy but at a very leisurely pace .

  19. 分享是玩的本质,特征不同的游戏有《龙与地下城》《模拟人生》最低限度的《线条滑雪》在给与玩家做大多数的工作上已经十分繁荣了。

    Participation is the essence of play , and franchises as diverse as Dungeons and Dragons to The Sims to the minimalist Line Rider have flourished by getting the customers to do most of the work .

  20. 与其他大多数视频游戏不同,虚拟人生3还有婴儿,这带来了随后所有稀奇古怪的滑稽问题。比如,“模拟人生3”允许用户创建自定义内容,并分享给其他人。

    Unlike most video games , The Sims 3 has babies , a fact that enables all sorts of weird and embarrassing glitches.For example , The Sims 3 allows users to create custom content and share it with others .

  21. 《模拟人生》(2000)是一款经典的电子游戏,游戏中唯一的任务就是操作拟人化的角色处理游戏中的各种问题:感情问题、职业转变问题、没完没了的装饰需要、无故房屋起火事件、神秘消失的泳池梯子。

    The Sims ( 2000 ) is the classic video game where your only task is guiding your personalized character through a life fraught with love , career changes , infinite amounts of decorating , inexplicable house fires , and mysteriously disappearing pool ladders .

  22. 突然间,我们得开始经营第二个自我,你必须在数字生活中,以类似模拟你人生的方式展现自我。

    And suddenly we have to start to maintain our second self . You have to present yourself in digital life in a similar way that you would in your analog life .

  23. 一开始,模拟对象看上去令人生畏。

    At first , mock objects can seem quite daunting .

  24. 威尔•莱特曾经开发过史上最成功的一些游戏作品,包括艺电公司(ElectronicArts)出品的《模拟城市》(SimCity)和《模拟人生》(TheSims),全球总销量超过1.5亿套。

    Will Wright has created some of the most successful video games of all time , including electronic arts ' SimCity and the Sims , which has sold over 150 million copies worldwide .