
léng jiǎo
  • edges and corners;edge;pointedness;refractory angle;arris;aris
棱角 [léng jiǎo]
  • (1) [edges and corners;refractory angle]∶棱与角

  • (2) [pointedness]∶比喻器物的尖利部分;外露出来的才干

  • 棱角太露

  • (3) [arris;aris]∶物体上两个平面相交而形成的尖角

棱角[léng jiǎo]
  1. 通过实验发现钢内部轧制时碎裂成带棱角的Al2O3夹杂导致了显微组织中存在带状的不均匀组织,造成材料的各向异性,使材料的韧性降低。

    The experiment discovered that the Al2O3 inclusions which have edges and corners cause the belt-shaped non-uniform microstructure , the aeolotropism of the material and reduction of toughness .

  2. 本文主要研究LY12型铝合金的阳极氧化工艺,着重解决在弱酸性燃料电池工作环境中,提高铝合金棱角部位耐蚀性能。

    The study focuses on anodizing technology of LY12 aluminum alloy , and aims to improve corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy in weal acidic full cells'working surrounding at Edges and Corners .

  3. 所有的棱角都垫上了泡沫塑料。

    All the sharp corners were padded with foam .

  4. 他的脸棱角分明,颧骨突出。

    He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones .

  5. 地上铺满了棱角锋利的石子。

    The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles .

  6. 以前男模是很帅的——都有着棱角分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金棕色的皮肤。

    Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw , perfect pecs and golden tan .

  7. 这些岩石都有棱角。

    The rocks are angular .

  8. 不要把棱角磨掉。

    Don 't draw in your horns .

  9. 他的话很有棱角。

    His remarks were pointed .

  10. 尽管外型更有棱角、外观更具运动感,并采用了大量创新电子技术,新款C级轿车的改动并不大。

    Despite sharper , more sporty looks and a mass of innovative electronics technology , the new model is not too much altered .

  11. 在SEM下其颗粒主要呈粒状、棱角状和碎裂状,大小约2~5μm;

    Under SEM , the crystal grains are in granular , angular and cataclastic shapes , with size of 2 ~ 5 μ m.

  12. 当在钨钴合金中加入TaC时,同样得到了这种棱角圆滑的组织结构。

    The same result was achieved when some TaC was added into WCo alloy .

  13. 他建议避免很尖锐的发型,譬如有棱角的BOB头,或是等齐的刘海,这样会使额头和下巴看上去更宽。

    He recommends avoiding " sharp " cuts , like angled bobs or styles with blunt-cut bangs , which can emphasize an already-broad forehead and chin .

  14. 如今的nba的棱角太多了,而且正经历着比如何其他联盟更糟糕的形象危机。

    The NBA as it stands today has plenty of sharp edges and has a serious image problem ; more than any other sport .

  15. 马丁诺夫是一位面部棱角分明、拥有20年软件和IT公司从业经验的资深人士,他曾在微软(MicrosoftCorp.)供职。他说,电子墨水显示屏的用途是无限的。

    Mr. Martynov , a sharp-featured , 20-year veteran of software and IT companies , including Microsoft Corp. , says the applications are limitless for the e-reader display .

  16. 应用Pro/E的3D实体建模功能建立了三维整体编织预制件的单胞模型,包括内部单胞、表面单胞和棱角单胞。

    In this paper utilizing the characteristics of 3D entity modeling of Pro / E , 3D braiding preform unit cell models such as interior unit cell , surface unit cell and corner unit cell are established .

  17. 当谈到穿衣风格,这位游泳冠军喜欢像Lively那样穿衣风格的女性&看上去干净又棱角分明。

    When it comes to style and clothes , the swimming champ is attracted to women who dress similarly to Lively – a clean look with an edge .

  18. 当谈到穿衣风格,这位游泳冠军喜欢像Lively那样穿衣风格的女性---看上去干净又棱角分明。

    When it comes to style and clothes , the swimming champ is attracted to women who dress similarly to Lively - a clean look with an edge .

  19. 引起实验钢疲劳破坏的非金属夹杂物主要为含Ti和V元素的多棱角、硬脆的碳氮复合夹杂物,其尺寸较大,平均大小为50+10μm。

    The non-metallic inclusions , which initiated fatigue fracture of the steel used , are mainly large and brittle carbonitrides containing V and / or Ti with an average size of 50 ± 10 μ m.

  20. 柠檬酸及其盐能够使COM晶体的尺寸减小,聚集程度减弱,且晶体的棱角变得圆钝,并且草酸钙晶体中COD的含量增加。

    Thirdly , in the presence of citric acid and citrate , size of COM was decreased , and the aggregation were decreased , the edges was more round and the COD were existed .

  21. 研制出了一套制备无尖锐棱角、形状规则、分散均匀、接近球状的HMX颗粒的溶剂非溶剂重结晶工艺。

    The solvent-nonsolvent recrystallization technology of producing a kind of almost ball shape HMX particle with a regular shape and even distribution is developed .

  22. 通过正交实验和单个因素实验,对影响LY12型铝合金棱角部位耐蚀性能的因素进行系统深入的研究。

    Factors effect on corrosion resistance of LY12 aluminum alloy are studied thoroughly at edges and corners by orthogonal and single factor experiments .

  23. 在那之前,贝尔斯登(BearStearns)这位棱角粗糙、叼着雪茄的首席执行官刚刚成为纸面上的亿万富翁,因为去年年初的时候,他所在投资银行的股价保持在171.51美元的历史高位附近。

    The rough-edged , cigar-smoking Bear Stearns chief executive had recently become a paper billionaire as shares in his investment bank remained near their record high of $ 171.51 at the start of last year .

  24. 结果表明:取棱镜棱角α为4°时,棱镜每旋转1′,透射光束变化约1μrad;

    The results show , when the prism wedge angle is 4 °, the transmitted laser beam changes about 1 μ rad as the prism rotates ( 1 ′;)

  25. 三噬菌体电镜下形态均为微球形且棱角不明显,有些噬菌体偶见短尾,大小形态不均一,直径在20~90nm之间;

    All of their forms were inhomogenous in size and figure , with the diameter from 20 nm to 90 nm ;

  26. 用让-保罗·高缇耶(Jean-PaulGaultier)的话说,莱斯利·维纳(LeslieWiner)是“第一个雌雄同体的模特”。在20世纪80年代,棱角分明的容貌让她成为华伦天奴(Valentino)和迪奥小姐(MissDior)的广告代言人;

    Leslie Winer was , in the words of Jean-Paul Gaultier , " the first androgynous model . " In the 1980s , her angular features landed her campaigns for Valentino and Miss Dior ;

  27. 而患者尿液中的纳米微晶棱角较为尖锐,尺寸分布不均匀,从几十纳米到1000nm不等。

    However , nanocrystals in lithogenic urine are sharp with a size range from several tens to 1000 nm .

  28. 氧化膜由棱角多面体状的Cr2O3组成,在1000℃下,复合材料具有理想的氧化膜结构和优良的抗氧化性;

    The oxide film consists of polyhedron like Cr 2O 3 , the composite has a ideal structure of oxide film and excellent oxidation resistance at 1000 ℃ .

  29. 与Al2O3陶瓷相比,室温抗弯强度提高93%,抗热震临界温差△T提高75%,在250h动态试验后,电极间绝缘片全部完整无损,重量损失小,棱角清晰。

    Its flexural strength and critical temperature difference in resisting to thermal shocks are 93 % and 75 % higher than those of alumina respectively . All the tested interelectrode insulator plates made of alumina-based composite were intact after the dynamic test with small loss in weight .

  30. 透射电镜观察表明,粉体颗粒镀覆后粒径由10~20nm增加到50~60nm,颗粒外观由棱角状变成近似球形,镀覆均匀性较好。

    The TEM micrographs of composite powders indicated that the size of particles after electroless plating increased from 10 ~ 20nm to 50 ~ 60nm and the originally granular form changed into spheral-like shape .