
lénɡ zhù tǐ
  • prism
  1. CFRP约束轴压预压混凝土棱柱体的应力研究

    Stress study on preloaded concrete prism restrained by CFRP under uniaxial loading

  2. 得出了以下结论:C45细石混凝土的棱柱体抗压强度与立方体抗压强度的比值为0.68;

    The following conclusions were reached : the ratio of prism compressive strength to cubic compressive strength of C45 fine aggregate concrete is0.68 .

  3. 基于ANSYS的碳纤维约束混凝土棱柱体热应力分析

    Hot-Stress Analysis of Concrete Prism Confined by Carbon Fiber Sheets Based on ANSYS

  4. 利用VISUALBASIC6.0(中文版)建立平底棱柱体梯形断面明渠水跃计算的数值方法。

    Visual Basic 6.0 ( Chinese visual ) is adopted to build the value counting method for jumping count to flat bottom prism trapezium section open canal .

  5. 上面一行是三个由分子计算机模型进行数据处理后获得的不同的RNA对象:左起分别为八个RNA组成的RNA反棱柱体、六链RNA立方体以及十链RNA立方体;

    Top row , three different RNA objects rendered from molecular computer models : from left , RNA antiprism composed of eight RNAs , a six-stranded RNA cube , and a10-stranded RNA cube .

  6. 提出一种基于多层DEM与似三棱柱体元(QTPV)的混合三维数据模型。

    A hybrid 3D spatial data model based on multi-DEMs and quasi tri-prism volume ( QTPV ) is proposed .

  7. 研究表明,基于多层DEM与似三棱柱体元的混合三维数据模型具有同时表达空间对象的表面和内部结构的能力,适合地质勘探领域的三维建模。

    The results show that the proposed model has better abilities of describing the surface and the inner structure of spatial objects , which is suitable for 3D modeling in geological exploration field . Three .

  8. 初生TiB2呈六面棱柱体,端面有清晰的生长台阶,其显露晶面分别为(0001)和{101-0}。

    Clear growth steps were observed at the top of the primary TiB 2 , and the crystal faces were determined to be ( 0001 ) and { 101-0 } .

  9. 用岩相法、砂浆棒快速法、溶胶-凝胶膨胀法和混凝土棱柱体法,联合研究了砂岩骨料的碱硅酸反应(ASR)活性,评价了粉煤灰对该砂岩ASR膨胀的抑制效果。

    The alkali-silica reaction ( ASR ) of sandstone aggregate is determined by means of petrographic examination , mortars-bar test and sol-gel expansion test as well as concrete prism expansion method ; and the effect of fly ash on inhibiting the ASR expansion occurred in the sandstone is evaluated .

  10. 测定了砂浆棒和混凝土棱柱体的膨胀率。

    The expansion of mortar bas and concrete prisms were tested .

  11. 一种基于三棱柱体体元的三维地层建模方法及应用

    An Approach of 3D Stratum Modeling Based on Tri-Prism Volume Elements

  12. 基于似三棱柱体体元的三维地质体漫游技术

    The Walkthrough Technology of 3D Stratum Based on similar triangular prism

  13. 非棱柱体渠道水面线的数值计算方法

    The numerical Calculation method on water surface line of non-prism channel

  14. 基于广义三棱柱体元的三维地层建模方法

    3D stratum modeling method based on generalized tri-prism volume element

  15. 非棱柱体明渠水面曲线计算的新方法

    A New Method of Computing the Non-prism Open Channel Water Level Curve

  16. 非棱柱体明渠非均匀渐变流水面线定性分析与计算

    Qualitative examination and calculation on surface curves of nonprismatic channel nonuniform transition flow

  17. 棱柱体渠道中,临界底坡是一个重要概念。

    In the prism canal , the critical bed slope is an important conception .

  18. 平底棱柱体梯形断面明渠水跃计算的数值方法

    Value counting method for jumping count to flat bottom prism trapezium section open canal

  19. 棱柱体渠道临界底坡变化规律及最小值研究

    Research on critical bed slope varied rule and the mini value in the prism canal

  20. 提出了将路面的平整度的影响等效为棱柱体,使得对问题的研究得到简化。

    Indicated that equivalence the influence of pavement smoothness to prismoid can simplify the problem .

  21. 基于圆锥体与棱柱体组合破坏面的土层锚杆承载力分析

    Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Ground Anchors Based on Triangular Prism and Half Taper Composed Destruction Model

  22. 公知的铅笔,大多数都为圆柱体和八棱柱体,容易滚落,不太理想。

    Most of the prior pencils are cylindrical and octagonal , easy to roll and not ideal .

  23. 文中叙述了三棱柱体的单元表达式和边界条件的处理:手法。

    The finite element represen - tation of triangular prism and the treatment of boundary conditions ave described .

  24. 用摄动法求静止流体中二维正棱柱体固有频率的近似解

    An Approximate Solution of the Natural Frequency to the Regular Prism in Quiescent Fluid by the Perturbation Method

  25. 用棱柱体及斜截三棱柱体体积公式计算填挖方量。

    The volume of excavation and filling may be calculated by prismoidal formula and formula for truncated triangular prism .

  26. 24棱柱体的临界雷诺数只有圆柱体的三分之一左右。

    Critical Reynolds number of prism with 24 edges is about 1 / 3 of that of the circular cylinder .

  27. 陶粒混凝土棱柱体和配箍棱柱体应力&应变全曲线的研究

    Experimental investigation on the complete stress-strain curve of light aggregate ( keramzite ) concrete prisms unconfined and confined by square stirrups

  28. 吡啶&2,6二甲酸以三齿配位,铕的配位数为9,其配位多面体为畸变的三帽三角棱柱体。

    The coordination number of europium is nine . The coordination polyhedron can be described as a distorted tri-capped trigonal prism .

  29. 介绍了以四角棱柱体土方公式为计算模型的试算法确定大型场地平整最优设计标高近似解的方法。

    In this paper , the approximation calculation method based on calculation model of earthwork formula of tetragonal prism is described .

  30. 对碳纤维混凝土棱柱体试件作了低周重复加、卸载试验,通过试验测试及变形参数研究,提出了碳纤维混凝土重复加、卸载应力-应变曲线方程及残余塑性变形的计算公式。

    Through parametric study and experimental investigation , the model of stress-strain and the formula of residual plastic deformation under repeated load are proposed .