
sēn lín miàn jī
  • forest coverage;area of woods
  1. 全国民营林业发展迅速,民营森林面积占全国森林面积的20.32%,新造林地的民营比例占41.14%。

    The national privately owned forestry develops rapidly , the privately owned area of woods accounts for 20 of the national area of woods . 32 % , the privately owned proportion of making the forest land newly accounts for 41 . 14 % .

  2. 西非的大片森林面积已缩小了。

    The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk

  3. 他们仅承诺维持现有森林面积,并不保证林区生物的多样性。

    Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests , not their biodiversity .

  4. 结果表明,近20a来新疆无论是山地还是平原,高植被覆盖度的绿洲和森林面积均有所增加。

    The results show that the areas of the oases and forests with high vegetation coverage have been enlarged whether in the mountainous regions or plains in Xinjiang since recent 20 years .

  5. 森林面积资源的计算机仿真及其应用

    The computer simulation for forest area resources and its ' application

  6. 文中还讨论了影响中国森林面积发展的障碍。

    Some hindrances in developing forests in China are discussed .

  7. 森林面积增加,功能下降;

    The forest area has increased while the function has been reduced ;

  8. 中国森林面积缩减与生态环境的恶化

    The decrease of china 's forest areas and the worsening of ecological environment

  9. 根据中国的自然条件和宜林地资源的状况,有条件大幅度扩大森林面积和增加森林蓄积量。

    China 's natural conditions and the situation of the land are suitable for forestry .

  10. 然而,我们需要的是百分之五十的森林面积。

    What we need is50 percent forest .

  11. 在欧洲,森林面积继续增长,但是增长率比之前出现下降。

    In Europe , it continued to , but at a slower rate than earlier .

  12. 在北美和中美洲地区,森林面积维持不变。

    In North America and Central America , the forest area remained about the same .

  13. 林班潜在火险等级图的研制与应用3、16林班森林面积比重低,整体结构不合理;

    Development and application of the potential compartment forest-fire danger grade map 3 was the lowest .

  14. 尽管依然是贫穷国家,印度的森林面积不再缩水。

    Although it is still a poor country , India 's forests are no longer shrinking .

  15. 然而,过去十年,亚洲的森林面积每年增加200万公顷。

    However , Asia ed more than two million hectares a year in the last decade .

  16. 16林班森林面积比重低,整体结构不合理;自然保护区林班优先保护排序与评价

    Was the lowest . Priority Ordination and Evaluation for Conservation of Forest Compartments in Nature Reserve

  17. 中国人均森林面积和蓄积量都远低于世界平均水平。

    China 's per-capita forest area and stocking volume lag far behind the worlds average level .

  18. 我国林业的重点应由扩大森林面积转变到原始自然资源保护。

    The important point of forestry should be changed into protecting primitive natural resources from enlarging plantation .

  19. 然而近年来世界森林面积的大幅度减少,已经造成了一定程度的生态危机,应当引起广泛的关注。

    However , the area of the forests in the world is sharply decreased in recent years .

  20. 这是一种转换各国森林面积、体积和生物质量的可靠方法。

    The technique is a reliable way of translating forest area , volume and biomass across countries .

  21. 南美森林面积减少了400万公顷,非洲减少了接近350万公顷。

    South America lost four million hectares . Africa lost almost three and a half million hectares .

  22. 在过去十年,南美和非洲每年损失的森林面积最大。

    South America and Africa had the highest yearly loss of forests during the last ten years .

  23. 需要更多土地进行农业的压力也导致了森林面积的数量和质量的缩水。

    Pressure for land for agriculture also resulted in the forest area shrinking in both size and quality .

  24. 这组科学家还建议说,扩展森林面积可以抵消工业温室气体排放,因为森林俘获和贮存了碳。

    The authors also suggest that the expanding forests can compensate for industrial emissions by capturing and storing carbon .

  25. 作为国际花城的广州市,在十年绿化后,森林面积大大增加,极易发生森林火灾。

    The forestland area in Guangdong has increase greatly after ten years ' forestation so forest fire can occurs easily .

  26. 随着森林面积的全球性减缩,天然林越来越少,取而代之的是人工林的发展。

    With the global reduce of forest area , natural forest is decreasing gradually so that plantation is being developing rapidly .

  27. 通过利用立木蓄积量及森林面积等基本监测数据,对湖南省森林生态系统的碳汇能力及其经济价值进行了初步估算。

    Valuation and estimation of the capacity were made on the function of the carbon sequestration of forest ecosystem in Hunan .

  28. 位于营地里的贝尔河有17000英亩,周围的森林面积则更大。

    Bear Lake , which sits inside the Scout reservation , is 17000 acres . The surrounding forest is even larger .

  29. 本文论述了森林面积资源的计算机仿真理论、方法及其应用。

    This paper deals with the theory and methods of the computer simulation for forest area resources and the application of it .

  30. 在私有林中,拥有森林面积5公顷以下的小林主占全部森林所有者的88.6%。

    In private-owned forest , the forest-lords that possess forest area below 5 ha . amounts to 88.6 % of the total forest-lords .