
sēn lín shēnɡ tài xué
  • Forest ecology;silviculture
  1. 森林生态学的任务及面临的发展问题

    On The Task and Development Problems of Forest Ecology in China

  2. 21世纪江苏森林生态学发展趋势

    Forecasts of development of forest ecology in 21st century in Jiangsu province

  3. 树木年代学在城市森林生态学研究中的应用

    A Prospect of Urban Forest Ecology by Dendrochronology

  4. 课程有树木生理学、森林生态学、森林基因学、水文学和分水岭地理管理。

    Among the courses of study are tree physiology , forest ecology , forest genetics , hydrology , and watershed management .

  5. 林隙生态机理已成为现代森林生态学研究的热点,尤其是林隙内光照条件的变化对树种更新和生长具有重要的生态效应。

    The ecological effects of canopy gap on tree species have received much attention in the study of modern forest ecology .

  6. 在理论上,也丰富了生态评价的定量分析方法,完善和充实了森林生态学的理论体系。

    In theory , it is affluent in quantitative analysis of ecological security evaluation , consummate and enrich of system info of silvics .

  7. 森林生态学、城市生态学、森林美学、景观生态学、人类生态学构成了城市森林规划的基础理论体系。

    The theoretical basis of urban forest plan is comprised of forest ecology , urban ecology , forest aesthetics , landscape ecology and human ecology .

  8. 森林生态学作为研究森林与环境相互关系的科学,是造林学、森林经营学、森林保护学的基础。

    As a branch discipline of ecology to study the relationship between forest and its environment , forest ecology is a foundation for silviculture , forest management and protection .

  9. 在热带森林生态学方面,姜科和榕属植物传粉的进化生态学研究取得了积极的进展。

    In tropical forest ecology , highly successful projects are now in progress on the evolutionary ecology of pollination and dispersal of gingers and figs a well as ecosystem function .

  10. 随着世界经济的发展和城市人口的增加,城市环境问题严重阻碍了城市可持续发展,形成了城市森林生态学这一新学科。

    With the development of world economy and the increment of urban population , the urban environment problem hinders the urban sustainable development . Now , more and more people realized the importance of urban forests in improving the quality of urban ecology .

  11. 生态学的新发展&森林界面生态学

    Forest Boundary Ecology & the New Development of Ecology

  12. 森林界面生态学是近十年发展起来的新兴边缘学科之一。

    Forest Boundary Ecology is a new science developed in about 10 years .

  13. 森林昆虫生态学是森林害虫综合管理的理论基础。

    Forest insect ecology is the theoretical basis of integrated management of forest pests .

  14. 近年来该领域的研究越来越受到人们的重视,并取得了大量的研究成果,丰富了森林昆虫生态学的内容。

    In recent years , people think much more of ths research field and obtain a lot of research achievements which enrich the content of forest insect ecology .

  15. 较详细地综述了DNA水平上森林植物分子生态学的研究方法:DNA分子标记、DNA测序、基因克隆技术、DNA芯片技术的的原理和方法;

    This article describes the researching approaches for forestry plant molecular ecology on DNA level , namely , DNA molecular markers , DNA sequencing , and techniques in gene cloning and gene chip .

  16. 关于热带森林植物生殖生态学国际专题讨论会简介

    The synopsis of International Workshop on reproductive ecology of tropical forest plants

  17. 我国森林土壤微生物生态学研究现状及展望

    Research Progress on microbiological ecology of forest in China

  18. 森林植物分子生态学的研究方法

    Methods of Research on Forest Plant Molecular Ecology

  19. 木质藤本及其在热带森林中的生态学功能

    Lianas and Their Functions in Tropical Forests

  20. 海南岛退化热带森林植被恢复生态学研究

    Study on Recovery Ecology of the Degraded Tropical Forest Vegetation in Hainan Island , South China

  21. 森林植物分子生态学的核心内容是检测其群落、种群、个体水平上的遗传多样性。

    The core content of forest plant molecular ecology is to detect the genetic diversity in community , population and individual .

  22. 云贵鹅耳枥种群的研究有助于探讨喀斯特森林植物种群生态学研究中的一些理论问题,同时,对于喀斯特森林经营管理和保护具有一定的实践意义。

    The study on pubescent hornbeam population can not only throw some light on some theoretical themes in plant population ecology studies of karst forest , but be also of practical significance for karst forest management , utilization and preservation .

  23. 山东森林植被恢复的生态学研究

    Ecological Studies on the Forest Restoration in Shandong Province , China

  24. 城市森林绿地建设的生态学思考

    Reflections on Cultivating Urban Forest and Green Space on Ecological Principles

  25. 开发基于物理过程分布式参数水文模型可以为认识森林植被变化的生态学后效和客观评价森林植被水文生态效益提供可行的工具。

    Current generation of physically based , distributed parameter models could accommodate the assessment of hydrological impacts of forest vegetation changes to certain degree in comparison with traditional approaches .

  26. 森林小气候已成为当前森林生态学研究的热点。

    The forest microclimate is becoming a hotspot of the present study of forest ecology .

  27. 森林景观边界研究,是森林界面生态学在宏观尺度上的拓展。

    Study on Forest landscape boundary is an extension of forest boundary ecology on macroscale .

  28. 森林承载力是森林经营管理理论和森林生态学中的一个全新内容。

    Forest carrying capacity is a recent matter in theory of forest management and forest ecology .

  29. 对城市森林可持续性模式及评价标准、城市森林生态学等领域的研究成果和发展方向进行了归纳分析。

    Meanwhile , it analyzes the research results and future perspectives in such field as mode and assessment criteria of urban forests sustainability and urban forest ecology .

  30. 由于森林生态系统的复杂性和研究手段的相对滞后,目前森林生态学研究虽然取得很大的进展并成功应用于林业实践,但也存在一些问题。

    However , due to the complexity of the forest ecosystem and the relatively delay or lack of the related research technology , the science is still in the case of immature and questions .