
tī tián nónɡ yè
  • Terraced agriculture;terrace farming;contour farming
  1. 庞大的灌溉系统是红河流域梯田农业的基石,也是红河流域农业文明的重要标志。

    The colossal irrigation system is not just the footstone of the terrace agriculture , but also is the symbol of the agricultural civilization in the reaches of Red River .

  2. 首先,我想说我对你的这个想法非常感兴趣,你利用了地形将梯田这个农业理念引入到城市设计中来,从而成新定义了一种农业城市概念。

    First , I would say I 'm very interested about your idea about the use of landform and you introduce the agriculture back into the city and defined a kind of agri-urbanism .

  3. 隔坡梯田与草地农业&黄土高原草地生态农业的一种新格局

    The interval slope terraces and grassland agriculture - a new pattern of ecological agriculture on Loess Plateau

  4. 晋西沟坝地梯田坡耕地农业效应的比较

    Comparative Study on Benefit of Dike Field , Terrace Field and Sloping Field Agriculture in Hilly and Gully Region of Western Shanxi

  5. 云南元阳梯田稻作传统农业生态系统中鞘翅目昆虫多样性研究

    Diversity of Coleoptera Insects in Rice Planting Traditional Ecosystem of Yuanyang Terrace

  6. 大量兴建梯田还为改善农业结构和商品生产的发展提供了条件。

    Constructing terraces on a large scale will provide good conditions for improving agricultural structures and commodity production .