
  • 网络mei zengliang;meizengliang
  1. 从梅曾亮诗集自序中提出的“八蔽”说出发,来论述其诗学思想。

    On the preface of his poetry anthology Mei Zengliang proposed his poetry theory of " Ba-bi " .

  2. 梅曾亮(1786&1856),桐城派姚鼐门下文学成就最高的弟子,也是近代桐城派中非常有个性的作家。

    Mei Zengliang ( 1786 & 1856 ) was the most accomplished literary student of Yao Nai , master of the Tongcheng School , and also a writer with distinct personality among the writers in this school .

  3. 梅曾亮一生主要是读书、教书、为官京师,成就在文学不在事功。

    And his main accomplishment is in literature instead of being an officer .