
  • 网络lattice beam;lattice girder
  1. 支护方案综合采用了锚索、锚杆、抗滑桩、钢管桩、格构梁及挡土墙等多种支护方法,有效地提高了边坡的稳定性。

    Various methods are used in the reinforcement program , such as anchor wire , rockbolt , anti-slide pile , steel-pipe pile , lattice girder and soil blocking wall , which have effectively raised the slope stability .

  2. 预应力锚杆格构梁内力分析及计算方法研究

    Calculation and analysis of the internal force of prestressed rockbolt lattice beam

  3. 用数学软件Matlab编程,计算分析了在梁刚度变化和地基刚度变化时受力的变化规律,并计算分析几种格构梁改进计算方法的适用性。

    Programming with mathematical software Matlab , this paper calculates and analysis the changeable discipline of foundation and beam stiffness , and analysis the applicability of several improved lattice beam calculation methods .

  4. 这说明双参数弹性地基梁比Winkler地基梁更加适合计算格构梁的内力以及位移。

    It means that the two parameter elastic foundation model is more reasonable than Winkler elastic foundation model in the calculation of internal force and displacement of lattice beams .

  5. 本文用结构分析软件ANSYS模拟工程实例中格构梁的受力情况,比较真实地模拟梁与土体的相互作用,形象地反映梁的空间作用。

    The strained condition of lattice beams in the project has been simulated by the structural analysis software of ANSYS . The interaction between beam and soil has been truly simulated and the space function of beam has been also visually reflected .

  6. 格构梁式大跨度框架及其机理分析

    Long-span frame structure with some lattice beams and analysis of its mechanism

  7. 十字交叉格构梁内力分析与优化设计

    Analysis on internal force of lattice beam and optimization design

  8. 关于隧道格构梁支撑的强度和稳定计算

    On the Strength and Stability of Lattice Girders of the Railway Tunnels

  9. 滑坡治理工程中钢筋混凝土格构梁设计理论研究

    Research on design theory of lattice frame anchor structure in landslide control engineering

  10. 格构梁与边坡岩体相互作用机制及现场试验研究

    Research on interaction mechanism between lattice beam and slope rock mass and field test

  11. 预应力锚杆格构梁的受力机理及设计方法研究

    The Study on the Prepressed Anchor Lattice Beam 's Force Characters and Designing Method

  12. 格构梁与锚管注浆复合结构加固裂隙岩质边坡的应用研究

    Application of lattice beam and anchor pipe grouting composite structure to fractured rock slope reinforcement

  13. 目前,对锚杆格构梁的设计计算方法研究较少。

    Currently , the study on the anchor lattice beam 's design and calculating method is very scarce .

  14. 本文通过工程实例探讨适合软岩边坡治理的格构梁的内力计算方法。

    Internal force calculated method of lattice frame beam for projects was discussed for controlling soft rock slope .

  15. 最后,通过对梁后土体的分布形式的分析,提出了格构梁地基反力计算模式。

    Finally , based onthe distribution of soil behind beams , putting forward the calculation of subgrade reaction .

  16. 格构梁与预应力锚索复合结构是近年来在滑坡预防、边坡治理中推广的新型结构措施。

    Compound structure of RC lattice frame beam and prestressed anchor is a new method for preventing and remedying landslide .

  17. 现浇钢筋砼格构梁与锚杆(管)复合结构适用于斜坡稳定性较差,有一定下滑力时的情况;

    Compound structure of reinforced concrete lattice frame and anchor can be applied to reinforce the slope whose stability is bad .

  18. 纵向格构梁的刚度大于横向格构梁的刚度,因而横向格构梁的内力计算可以简化,钢筋砼格构可以作为在锚杆施力下的超静定连续梁。

    The stiffness of longitude beam is greater than that of latitude , so the internal force analysis is based on exceeding static determinacy continuous beam .

  19. 但是目前对于此类结构的理论研究远远落后于工程应用,特别是格构梁的设计计算理论研究相对缺乏。

    But at present the theoretic study on this structure drop far behind the engineering applications , especially the design calculation theoretic study is short relatively .

  20. 为改善边坡的安全状况,消除隐患,采用对墙体灌浆、喷锚、预应力锚索和格构梁等综合加固方法。

    To change slope safety and eliminate hidden troubles , some comprehensive strengthening methods are adopted , that is wall grouting , spray anchor , prestressed anchor and grid beams etc.

  21. 基于弹性半无限空间的幂级数法不能计算格构梁上的负弯矩区段,与数值分析的结果不符。

    The negative moment of the beam can not be concluded by the method based on the half-space elastic foundation theory , but the negative moment is proved by the numerical analysis .

  22. 总的来说,空间模型的分析结果更准确地体现了边坡参数对格构梁受力的影响,以及纵横梁间的相互影响。

    In short , the numerical results more exactly reflect the affection of the slope geological parameters to the internal force of the beams , and reflect the restriction of the beams to each other .

  23. 第二类为梁理论法,如格构梁理论、一般格构理论、刚性横梁法、弹性支承连续法、杆件结构的分析方法;

    The Category 2 is the beam theories , such as the grid beam theories , the general grid theories , the rigid cross-beam method , the elastically-supported continuous beam method and the bar system analytical method , etc ;

  24. 对青岛滨海花园深基坑工程的格构梁进行现场监测,取纵梁为研究对象,通过测得梁的应变计算出梁的内力值。

    Lattice beam is being monitored in the deep foundation pit of Qingdao coastal Garden . After longitudinal beam having been chosen as the study object , the internal force has been counted , through measuring the strain of the beam .

  25. 但目前对此类结构的理论研究远远落后于工程应用,特别是格构梁的设计计算理论研究相对缺乏,因此对格梁的设计计算进行研究具有重要的现实意义。

    But at present the theoretic study on this structure drop far behind the engineering applications , especially the design calculation theoretic study is short relatively . So there would be important realistic meaning if study on design calculating of lattice beam .

  26. 预应力锚索格构梁结构能将锚索的锚固作用与混凝土格构梁的支挡作用有效地结合起来,既能加固深层岩土体,又能够结合坡面防护,防止浅层岩土体的风化和水土流失。

    The pre-stressed anchors and lattice beams system combines anchoring of anchors and retaining of lattice beams , so it could not only reinforce deep layer soil , but also prevent weathering of shallow rock and erosion of soil with slope protection .

  27. 设计人员往往根掘构造要求和经验对格构梁进行设计,通常采用结构上的简支梁、连续梁计算,但这些方法并不完全适合格构梁,有明显的不合理处。

    Designers usually design lattice beam according to structural design requirements and experience , calculating with the structure of the simple beam and continuous beam . However , these methods are not entirely suitable for lattice beams , with obviously unreasonable aspects .

  28. 因此,本文通过对预应力锚杆格构梁模型试验数据的分析对其内力计算方法作了进一步的研究,并探讨了预应力锚杆格构梁的受力特点及规律。

    Therefore , on the basis of analyzing the prestressed anchor lattice beam model test 's data , further studies on the calculating method of the internal force is made in this paper , and the force characters and regulation are also discussed .

  29. 通过数值分析方法,研究格构梁加固边坡的作用效果及其加固特点;比较不同的格构梁连接方式、加筋长度、加筋层数对坡体变形的影响。

    Trough a numerical analysis method , the effectiveness of the frame beam reinforced slope and the reinforcement mechanism was studied . Besides , the deformation of the slope caused by the different connection of the concrete frame beams and the reinforcement length and the reinforced layers was also discussed .

  30. 格构式组合梁中T型件和叠合板托的应用

    Application of T-shape Shear Connector and Sandwich Bearing Bracket in the Latticed Composite Girder