
  • 网络Genthin;Peligrosa Obsession;Goettingen
  1. 同时我们模型也对根廷目前的货币危机有着较好的样本外的预测效果。

    Our out-sample evidences also shows that our model does well in predicting recent Argentina crisis .

  2. 与此同时,乐队结束了拉美巡演,他们去了智利、根廷、西和墨西哥。

    Meanwhile , Coldplay have just completed a tour of Latin America , which saw them play Chile , Argentina , Brazil and Mexico .

  3. 观众来自牙买加、国、根廷和美国。如果你住在市中心,距离不成为借口。

    There 's people coming from jamaica , france , Argentina and the U.S.If you live in town , distance is not an excuse .

  4. 这一跨国调查涵盖了20多个国家的16262个人,各国受访者的应答有很大差别。只有6%的法国人认为有生之年将会见到世界末日,与此同时,有22%的土耳其人和美国人,以及比例略低的南非人和阿根廷人相信末日将至。

    Responses to the international poll of 16262 people in more than 20 countries varied widely with only six percent of French residents believing in an impending Armageddon in their lifetime , compared to 22 percent in Turkey and the United States and slightly less in South Africa and Argentina .