
  • 网络The Nuclear Security Summit;Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
  1. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)几天后将赴首尔参加核安全峰会,李明博在此之际提出了这个问题。

    Mr Lee has seized on the issue just days before the visit of Barack Obama , US president , to Seoul for a nuclear security summit .

  2. 奥巴马总统在核安全峰会闭幕会议上的讲话

    Remarks by President Obama at Closing Session of the Nuclear Security Summit

  3. 法新社(AFP)援引她在首尔核安全峰会间隙所说的话称:澳大利亚国家宽带项目是一个巨大的基础设施项目。

    The National Broadband Network is a huge infrastructure project , AFP quoted her as saying on the sidelines of a nuclear summit in Seoul .

  4. 世界各国领导人昨日开始抵达华盛顿参加令人瞩目的核安全峰会。巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)在会上将寻求达成一项协议,在今后四年期间保障所有核材料的安全,以对付恐怖主义威胁。

    World leaders started arriving in Washington yesterday for a showpiece summit at which Barack Obama will tackle the terrorist threat with a deal to secure all nuclear materials during the next four years .

  5. 据路透社报道,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马将于本周日访问朝韩之间的非军事区(DMZ),旨在向朝鲜施压,让其放弃核武计划。随后他将参加在首尔举行的核安全峰会。

    US President Barack Obama is seeking to increase pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapon programs by visiting the Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ) on the border between the two Koreas on Sunday before a nuclear security summit in Seoul , Reuters reported .

  6. 伊朗未参加核安全峰会。

    One country that did not attend the Nuclear Security Summit was Iran .

  7. 本周,我在核安全峰会会场向大家讲话。

    This week , I 'm speaking to you from our Nuclear Security Summit .

  8. 秦刚表示,这次核安全峰会将主要讨论核恐怖主义威胁以及各国和国际社会的应对措施。

    The nuclear summit would mainly discuss nuclear terrorism and potential countermeasures , said Mr Qin .

  9. 在为期两天各国举行的核安全峰会后,三国峰会于星期二在海牙召开。

    The meeting took place Tuesday in The Hague , after a two-day nuclear security summit .

  10. 他将出席3月24日至25日在海牙举行的核安全峰会。

    He will attend the third Nuclear Security Summit ( NSS ) in The Hague from March 24 to 25 .

  11. 2010年在美国举行的核安全峰会上,美国要求日本归还这些原料。

    At a Nuclear Security Summit in 2010 , held in the US , Washington asked Tokyo to return the material .

  12. 下周,数十位世界各国领导人将齐聚华盛顿,参加核安全峰会。

    And next week , dozens of world leaders will come here to Washington for a summit focused on nuclear security .

  13. 两国领导人将在下周举行的核安全峰会期间见面,这将是两位领导人今年的首次会晤。

    The meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit next week will be the first between the two presidents this year .

  14. 我还要再次感谢李总统和大韩民国同意两年后主办下一届核安全峰会。

    And I again want to thank President Lee and the Republic of Korea for agreeing to host the next Nuclear Security Summit in two years .

  15. 华盛顿参加核安全峰会的世界领导人了解到,核材料如果落入坏人手中,后果将是多么危险。

    World leaders at a summit on nuclear security in Washington have heard dire warnings of the danger of nuclear material falling into the wrong hands .

  16. 奥巴马在2010年主持首届核安全峰会,确立了到2014年“锁定”危险核材料全球供应的目标。

    Mr Obama hosted the first nuclear security summit in 2010 with a goal of " locking down " global supplies of dangerous nuclear material by 2014 .

  17. 他将出席那里的核安全峰会,与来自亚洲的各个领导人会晤,而他在下个月将前往该地区。

    He 'll attend the summit on nuclear security there and touch base with a group of leaders from Asia before he travels to that region next month .

  18. 白宫官员说,奥巴马星期天将视察非军事区的美国部队。奥巴马在首尔参加一次备受关注的核安全峰会之前,将首次视察驻非军事区美军。

    White House officials say Mr. Obama will visit with American forces Sunday at the DMZ , making it his first event before a high-profile Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul .

  19. 此前北京方面一直没有正式承诺将出席4月12日举行的核安全峰会。对此,外界曾担心中国可能缺席此次峰会以显示自己的不快。

    Since Beijing had not committed itself to attending the April 12 summit until now , there had been worries it could skip the meeting in a sign of displeasure .

  20. 因此,我很高兴地在此宣布,李总统同意两年后在韩国主持下一届核安全峰会。

    And that 's why I am so pleased to announce that President Lee has agreed to host the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in two years .

  21. 本届核安全峰会的东道国韩国希望,它在周二将能拿出具体例子,说明各国已消除、或承诺消除本来可能用来制造数千枚核弹头的核裂变材料。

    By Tuesday , South Korea , as host nation , hopes it will be able to provide concrete examples of how countries have removed or have pledged to remove fissile material that could otherwise have built thousands of warheads .

  22. 我希望未来两年内,俄罗斯可以改变想法,核安全峰会的工作对所有参与国都是有利的。

    And I hope that sometime over the next two years , Russia will change its mind and decide that it does benefit - as do all of the participant states - in the work of the Nuclear Security Summit .

  23. 我期待过两天在荷兰海牙举行核安全峰会期间再次与他会晤,也欢迎他今年11月来中国访问并出席亚太经合组织领导人会议。

    I look forward to meeting with him again at the Nuclear Security Summit to be held in the Hague in a couple of days time , and I also look forward to receiving him in China in November when he visits China and attends the APEC Economic Leaders meeting .

  24. 他表示,为了与日本首相配合,他计划组织G20国的核官员召开会议,为6月份召开的IAEA核安全峰会做准备。

    He said that in cooperation with the Japanese prime minister , he plans to organize a meeting of nuclear officials from the G20 countries to prepare for the IAEA nuclear safety summit in June .