
  1. 使用成型的树脂自硬砂一次性坩埚进行焊接,焊接接头的硬度平均为288HB,力学性能主要参数Rm为790MPa,静弯平均为1500kN。

    A single-use crucible of formed resin self-hardening sand is used for welding with the average hardness of the welding joints being 288 HB , the main mechanical parameter Rm 790 MPa and average stationary bending 1 500 kN .

  2. 树脂自硬砂在大型铸钢件生产中的应用

    Application of Resin Self-hardening Sand in Large Scale Size Steel Casting

  3. 酸固化呋喃树脂自硬砂工艺及操作

    Technology & Operation of Acid Cured Furan Resin Self Hardening Sand

  4. 铸铁件树脂自硬砂铸造工艺设计

    Foundry Method Design of Iron Castings Poured in Furan Sand Mould

  5. 碱性酚醛树脂自硬砂工艺性能试验及研究

    Experimental Study of Technological Properties on Alkaline Phenolic Resin Self-hardening Sand

  6. 树脂自硬砂温控装置改进

    Improving of Temperature Control Device for No-bake Furan Resin Bonded Sand

  7. 树脂自硬砂混砂机液料供给系统的改进

    Improvement on Feeding System of Liquid Materials in Resin Cured Sand Miser

  8. 呋喃树脂自硬砂在铣床铸件上的应用

    Application of Furan Resin Self-Setting Sand to Milling Machine Castings

  9. 磷酸盐、水玻璃、呋喃树脂自硬砂性能比较

    Phosphate-Bonded Sand in Comparison With Silicate-Bonded and Furan No-Bake Sand

  10. 呋喃树脂自硬砂使用中常见问题的对策

    Countermeasures of Several Common Problems in Application of Furan Resin Self-Setting Sand

  11. 用碱性树脂自硬砂生产球铁曲轴

    Production of Nodular Iron Crankshaft Using Alkaline Resin Sand Mould

  12. 我国树脂自硬砂的应用与发展

    Application and Development of the Self-hardening Resin Sand in China

  13. 酚醛&尿烷树脂自硬砂研究

    Studies on the Phenolic - urethane Resin No-bake Sand

  14. 树脂自硬砂再生质量的控制

    The Control on the Reclamation Quality of Resin-bonded Sand

  15. 摇枕、侧架树脂自硬砂造型生产线

    Bolster and Side Frame No-bake Resin Sand Molding Line

  16. 高原干燥气候对呋喃树脂自硬砂性能的影响

    Effect of Highland Climate-dry on Resin Sand 's Properties

  17. 呋喃系树脂自硬砂增强剂的研究

    A Study on Strengthening Agent for Self-curing Furan Resin

  18. 多元醇&聚氨酯系树脂自硬砂研究

    A Study on Tile New Polyol-Urethane Resin No-Bake Sand

  19. 呋喃树脂自硬砂生产工艺过程控制

    Process Control of Furan Resin-Bonded Sand Self-Curing Technology

  20. 采用呋喃树脂自硬砂生产大断面球铁件

    Production of Heavy Section Nodular Iron Casting with Furan Resin Self - Setting Sand Mould

  21. 铸铁件呋喃树脂自硬砂铸造工艺特点及常见缺陷分析

    Casting Process Feature and Common Defects Analysis for Cast Iron Casting With Funan Resin Sand

  22. 环氧树脂自硬砂的研究线材修磨的磨削压力与砂带速度

    Study on the Epoxy Resin Self-Hardening Sand Grinding Force and Abrasive Belt Speed in Wire Conditioning

  23. 铸钢件树脂自硬砂造型、制芯自动线工艺

    Process of Automatic No Bake Resin Sand Molding & Core Making Production Line for Manufacturing Steel Castings

  24. 国内外树脂自硬砂工艺应用概况及新进展

    The process application survey and new progress for the resin air-set sand both at home and abroad

  25. 呋喃树脂自硬砂再生

    Reclamation of Furan No-Bake Sand

  26. 介绍了一种把呋喃树脂自硬砂工艺应用于大批量、高效率造型线的实例。

    Authors introduces an example of applying no-bake furan resin sand technology to large-scale and high-efficient molding line .

  27. 球形树脂自硬砂混砂机的研究及主要参数的计算自主攀爬式曲面作业机器人设计研究

    On Spherical Self - Setting Resin Sand Mixer DESIGN OF A SELF - SCRAMBLE ROBOT FOR SPHERICAL SURFACE

  28. 阐述了呋喃树脂自硬砂在我厂的应用及旧树脂砂的回用。

    This article has described the application of the furan resin sand as well as the reclaim of the used sand .

  29. 介绍了用碱性酚醛树脂自硬砂工艺代替呋喃树脂自硬砂工艺后消除缺陷、提高球铁曲轴品质的机理。

    A new process using alkaline resin sand mould is introduced and the cause for the improvement of quality by this new process is discussed .

  30. 汽车发动机汽缸盖水套用树脂自硬砂整体制芯技术目前汽车用发动机主要有汽油机和柴油机两种。

    The Integral Core Making Technology by Self setting Resin Sand for There are two kinds of engines in use : gasoline engines and diesel engines .