
  • 网络tree branch
  1. 在网络拓扑学中要研究由矩阵实现为图的问题,通过对基本回路矩阵Bf中各树支关联的单连支回路数性质的研究,提出了实现线形树的一种算法。

    The problem forming matrix into graph in network topology is researched . This paper presents a algorithm of realizing linear tree in terms of researching the property of the number of one link ciruit through every tree branch in fundamental circuit matrix B f .

  2. 有只乌鸦偷到一块肉,衔着站在一根树支上,正准备美歺一顿。

    A crow had stolen apiece of meat ahd sat on a tree branch ready to eat it .

  3. 独立节点和独立树支

    The Independent Nodes and Tree Branches

  4. 他们用木桩把新栽的树支起来了。

    They staked newly planted trees .

  5. 该方法可有效地避免在利用树支组导纳积构造符号网络函数过程中遇到冗余项问题。

    The method can effectively avoid redundant team in the proceeding of structuring symbol network functions using " tree-team admittance product " .

  6. 该算法能统一处理互感和无互感线路、单连通树支集的特定网络以及树枝集中有分支的通用电网络。

    The algorithm can deal with mutual inductance or non mutual inductance network and especial ' a stroke ' tree set network or general offset-trees network .

  7. 它通过判断树支的边缘性质,逐个确定树支的排序,从而实现线形树。

    The pendant property of tree branches is checked and the order of tree branches is determined step by step , then the linear tree is realized .

  8. 提出了由矩阵实现为图的树形法,他通过判断树支在树中的位置性质来构造树,从而实现图。

    This paper presents the tree shape method from matrix to graph . It checks whether a tree branch corresponding a column of a given matrix is pendant in the tree and constructs tree , then realizes the graph .

  9. 以树支电压为求解变量建立割集矩阵电压方程,通过矩阵运算,求出树支电压,再求各支路电压和电流。

    This paper establishes tree voltage matrix equations by regarding tree voltage as variables , and specify the value of tree voltage as a result of transforming matrix equations . Therefore , the values of the current and voltage of each branch are determined .

  10. 以图论知识为基础,应用连通图中的k树树支导纳乘积,给出网络函数及其灵敏度分析的符号表达式。

    Based on network graph theory , using admittance product of k-tree branches in connected graph , the symbolic expression of network function and its sensitivity are presented .

  11. 我已把花园里的苹里树都用桩子支起来了。

    I have staked the apple trees in my garden .

  12. 给出了确定无源网络函数及其灵敏度全符号表达式的拓扑方法,该方法是以图论为基础,利用连通图中树与K-树树支导纳乘积之和,方法简捷有效,工作量减缩。

    A efficient method for generating topological formulas of network functions and their sensitivity is presented . Tree and K-tree of a graph is applied in this method .

  13. 可扩展频繁子树挖掘算法(SFTM)把模式增长方法运用到有序标签树数据库的频繁子树挖掘,并在此基础上改进了对搜索空间树的剪支方法。

    Scalable Frequent sub-Tree Mining algorithm ( SFTM ) uses pattern growth method in mining frequent sub-trees in labeled tree database , and improves the pruning method for the searching space .