
  • 网络Brown Petrified Wood
  1. 树蕨类化石在淮北煤田的发现及意义

    Discovery and significance of the TREE-FERN compression fossils in Huaibei Coal Field

  2. 木质相似或同等与榛子树的化石植物的属。

    Genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or similar to that of the witch hazel .

  3. 中国发现的早白垩世的鸟类以及树栖的恐龙化石还为鸟类飞行的树栖起源假说提供了十分重要的证据。

    Chinese Early Cretaceous birds , as well as arboreal dinosaurs of the same age in China , also provide compelling evidence for the arboreal hypothesis of the origin of avian flight .

  4. 这些木乃伊树有别于石化的树。石化树是一种化石,因其木质在千百年中转化成矿物质而形成。

    The mummified trees are different from petrified wood , a kind of fossil created when wood is replaced with minerals over thousands of years .