
  1. 晋东南1000kV变电站直流系统配置方案

    Configuration Scheme of DC System for 1 000 kV Southeast Shanxi Substation

  2. 特高压晋东南变电站1000kV架空线安装工艺的研究及应用

    Investigation and Application of Installation Technology About 1 000 kV Overhead Lines in UHV Southeast Shanxi Substation

  3. 最后计算分析了晋东南GIS变电所和荆门HGIS变电所站的雷电侵入波并根据两个变电所各自的特点提出相应的MOA布置方案及其防雷可靠性分析。

    Two types of two substations are considered in the study of lightning invaded wave on substation : Jindongnan GIS substation and Jingmen HGIS substation . The configuration schemes of MOA positions in substation and lightning protection reliability of substation are proposed separately according to their special characteristics .

  4. 晋东南山地、盆地森林草原小区。

    Hill , basin with forest and prairie in the southeast .

  5. 晋东南村庙建筑形态分析

    Analysis on the Architectural Forms of Village Temples in Southeast Shanxi

  6. 晋东南地区民间食用野生植物的民族植物学研究

    Ethnobotanical Study on Folk Wild Edible Plants in Jin South-east Region

  7. 论文以晋东南-南阳-荆门示范工程为研究背景,对其过电压展开了探讨。

    Based on Jindongnan-Nanyang-Jingmen model project , its over-voltage is discussed .

  8. 膨胀土在晋东南地区分布及其工程特性

    Swelled ground distribution and its engineering properties in Jin Southeast District

  9. 雍乾时期,是晋东南社仓发展的高峰时期。

    Yong Qian period is the peak period of the public granaries .

  10. 晋东南地区兽类地理分布

    The Geography Distribution of Mammals in Southeast Region of Shanxi

  11. 晋东南辛安泉域地下水水质污染现状及污染成因分析

    Ground Water Contamination and Genetic Analysis of Xin'an Spring Catchment , Shanxi

  12. 晋东南山地植物资源多样性研究

    The Study on Wild Plant Resources in Jindongnan Mountainous Region in Shanxi

  13. 顺康时期,是晋东南社仓试行时期。

    Kang Shun period is the Wharf trial period of the public granaries .

  14. 对晋东南石刻音乐图像中所反映出的问题进行思考阐述。

    Jindongnan stone image of the music to reflect on issues reflected explained .

  15. 晋东南地区高校大学生课余体育锻炼现状分析

    Analysing the Current Situation of PE Exercise after class of the Academic students

  16. 晋东南电网无功调压分析

    The Reactive Adjusting Analysis of Shanxi Southeast Network

  17. 晋东南地区臭煤层中细菌化石及病毒化石的研究

    Study on bacterial and virus fossils from a smelly coal seam in southeastern Shanxi

  18. 晋东南重磁异常特征及其地质意义

    Gravity and magnetic anomaly features of Southeast of Shanxi province and its geological sense

  19. 特高压晋东南变电站调压补偿变压器运行分析

    Operation Analysis of Regulation-compensation Transformer in Jindongnan Substation

  20. 晋东南一带炎帝历史传说、民俗文化考释

    A Study of YanDi 's Legends and Folk Customs in the South-east of Shanxi

  21. 其中前三种形式对晋东南社仓影响较大。

    The first three forms of the public granaries in Southeast Shanxi make more influence .

  22. 第四部分是对晋东南地区农村养老保险制度的发展提出对策建议。

    The fourth part puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the system .

  23. 晋东南中山区不同坡向仁用杏产量影响因子分析

    Analysis on Influencing Factors of Almond-apricot Yield in Different Slope Directions in Zhongshan Area of Southeastern Shanxi

  24. 机载激光测量系统在晋东南至南阳特高压工程中的试验

    The Experiment of Airborne Laser Scanning and Mapping Technology in the from Jindongnan-to-Nanyang Ultra Voltage Transmission Power Line Project

  25. 晋东南地区旱地春玉米高产稳产栽培技术体系研究与应用

    High and Stable Yielding Technical Cultivation System of Spring Corn in Rainfed Land of Southeast Part of Shanxi Province

  26. 晋东南沁水盆地石炭二叠纪含煤岩系古地理及聚煤作用研究

    Palaeogeography and coal accumulation for coal measures of the Carboniferous - Permian in Qinshui Basin , southeastern Shanxi Province

  27. 第一部分介绍了清代晋东南社仓创设的时代背景。

    The first part introduces the establishment background of the public granaries in Southeast Shanxi during the Qing Dynasties .

  28. 能源危机使煤炭业又东山再起。晋东南上石炭统山西组的(竹蜓)类分带


  29. 晋东南石灰岩山地油松人工林立地类型划分及评价

    Studies on the classification of site types and appraisal of growth of Chinese Pine Plantation in Southeast Shanxi calcareous mountain areas

  30. 北宋以后,晋东南一带(即上党地区)逐步成为山西丝绸的主要产地,并以著名的产品“潞绸”盛极一时。

    Shangdang of Southeastern Shanxi had become a leading silk producer , with its famous " Lu'an Silk " once flourished .