- 网络chromosomal structure variation;structural aberration

Preliminary study on induction of chromosomal structure variation in pepper by treatment colchicine
2 ) The irradiation of ~ 7Li and ~ ( 12 ) C may change the chromosomal structure of the root tip cell .
The results indicated that synchronous irradiation had a significant cytological effect . Variation on chromosome structure was observed in root tip cells .
Copy number variant ( CNV ) is a novel structural variation in human chromosomes .
Environmental heterogeneity promote happen of structural variations . Facultative apomixes preserve the variations .
The changes of chromosome structure and mitotic irregularities was observed in callus cells .
Therefore , that means the male sterility is related to structure of chromosome change .
It is suggested that the chromosomal structure varia-tion plays the most important role in speciation .
Research on chromosome structure variation focused on : salivary gland chromosomes of fruit flies and mosquitoes ;
The results show that protons were able to induce variation on chromosome structure in root tip cells .
Bivalents had been observed during diakinesis and metaphase I. No abnormal phenomena such as chromosome bridges and lagging were observed .
However , whether the differences are caused by chromosomal structural variation or gene expression form , it will need a further query .
Wigg was abnormal . In anaphase of meiosis , many lagging chromosomes , bridges and double-bridges were formed . The reason for these abnormal behavior might be that the structure variance of chromosome such as inversion , deficiency and duplication were happened and dicentric chromosome was appeared .
Up to now , extensive biological , chromosomal structure and variation , DNA polymorphism , breeding application as well as pest control studies have been conducted .
Aneuploids and chromosomes structure variation were not found .
Obvious karyotypic differentiation among the populations , which was highlighted by chromosomal aberrations , including mainly pericentric inversion and the Robertsonian or unequal reciprocal translocations , was detected .
All the doses from 10 60 Gy could lead to the aberration of chromosome both in number and structure . The chromosome fragmentation which was beneficial to the recombination between the partner chromosomes occurred with the highest frequency at the third day after irradiation of 60 Gy .
The variation of tetraploid is caused by the variation of the quantity and structure of chromosome and gene mutation , recombination as well as by the variation of coordinating relationship between karyon and cytoplasm and that between zygote embryo and endosperm .
Chromosomal aberration : A lot of structural aberrations could be observed .
After subculturing for a long time , the range of variation of chromosome number was much wider and the variation in chromosome structure was produced .