
zhí wù xì bāo péi yǎnɡ
  • plant cell cultivation
  1. 植物细胞培养液作为生物转化系统在不对称有机合成中的研究进展

    Study progress on plant cell cultivation solution as biotransformation system in organic asymmetric synthesis

  2. 动植物细胞培养生物反应器的研究进展

    Technical Research on the Bioreactors for Zooblast and Plant Cell Cultivation

  3. 刺激剂(elicitor)在植物细胞培养次生代谢物生产中的应用

    The application of elicitor in the production of second metabolites in plant cell cultures

  4. 刺激剂(elicitor)在植物细胞培养中被用来作为提高次生代谢物产量的手段。

    Elicitor is used to improve the productivity of second metabolites in plant cell cultures frequently .

  5. 植物细胞培养紫草色素特性的研究

    The properties of shikonin pigment by the production of plant cell

  6. 植物细胞培养生产黄酮类化合物研究进展

    Advances in the Production of Flavonoids by Plant Cell Cultures

  7. 搅拌式生物反应器进行植物细胞培养常见问题分析

    Analysis of Common Problems Occurring in Plant Cell Culture Using Stirred Bioreactor

  8. 诱导子在药用植物细胞培养中的应用

    Application of elicitor to cell culture of medicinal plants

  9. 植物细胞培养与有用化学物质生产的研究动态

    Recent advances in the production of useful chemical substances through plant cell culture

  10. 后基因组时代植物细胞培养生产次生代谢产物研究的策略

    Strategies for secondary metabolite production through plant cell culture in the post-genomic era

  11. 利用植物细胞培养技术生产活性药用次生代谢产物是目前替代传统提取手段的一条有效途径。

    Plant cell culture is an effective technology to produce active secondary metabolites .

  12. 提高植物细胞培养中次生代谢产物产量的方法

    The ways to enhance the production of secondary metabolites by plant cell culture

  13. 生物诱导子在植物细胞培养生产次生产物中的应用

    Application of biotic elicitor to production of secondary metabolites by plant cell culture

  14. 真菌诱导子在药用植物细胞培养中的作用机制和应用进展

    Advances in application and mechanism of fungal elicitor to cell culture of medicinal plants

  15. 用植物细胞培养技术生产花色苷

    Anthocyanin production by plant cell culture technique

  16. 植物细胞培养生产重组蛋白

    Producing Recombinant Proteins with Plant Cell Cultures

  17. 大规模植物细胞培养生物反应器

    Large scale plant cell culture bioreactors

  18. 本文综述了十多年来通过固定植物细胞培养技术生产天然产物的研究概况。

    This article reviews the advances in the production of natural products by immobilized plant cell cultures .

  19. 药用植物细胞培养代谢全能性及产物检测技术的研究进展

    Progress of Researches on the Totipotency of Metabolism in Cultural Cells of Pharmaceutical Plants and Techniques of Its Products Detecting

  20. 在植物细胞培养过程中,添加诱导子是提高植物次生代谢有效的方法之一。

    The addition of elicitor is a effectual method to improve the production of secondary metabolite in plant cell culture .

  21. 但是,植物细胞培养生产人参皂苷的低产问题是限制其大规模应用的主要原因。

    However , large scale application of cell culture is still limited due to the low production of the ginsenoside .

  22. 详尽地阐述了根据在茶树中的分布规律,通过植物细胞培养手段来获得茶氨酸。为植物细胞大规模培养紫草色素的生产及利用提供科学依据。

    It will provide scientific basis for the shikonin production by the large - scale plant cell culture and its application .

  23. 植物细胞培养技术是解决目前药用植物资源危机的理想途径之一。

    However , plant cell culture was developed as an ideal solution for the current crisis in the exploitation of medicinal plant resources .

  24. 脉冲电场作为一个外部刺激或应力,将有希望成为一种新型的非生物诱导剂有效地提高植物细胞培养中次生代谢物的积累。

    PEF , an external stimulus or stress , is proposed as a promising new abiotic elicitor for stimulating secondary metabolite biosynthesis in plant cell cultures .

  25. 通过对模型的进一步研究,可望对植物细胞培养体系的工艺设计、最佳操作和反应器评价与放大提供依据。

    Therefore the model can be applied in the technological design and optimum conditions of the system and the reformation , evaluation and scale up of reactors .

  26. 还介绍了生物反应与分离耦合过程在酶反应、微生物发酵、动植物细胞培养等不同领域的应用。

    The application of the SBRS processes in the various areas , such as enzyme reaction , microbial fermentation , plant and animal cell culture , are also discussed .

  27. 本文就膜反应器在植物细胞培养中的研究现状进行了评述,并探讨了各类膜反应器存在的问题。

    This thesis elaborates upon the present research situation of plant cell culture in membrane reactors , and probes into the existing problems of different kinds of membrane reactors .

  28. 利用转基因和植物细胞培养相结合的方法可以同时增加茄尼醇的含量,目前国内这方面的实验较少,可以进一步讨论。

    Currently , the experiments about which both transgenic and plant cell culture method can be combined to increase the content of solanesol are few , but will be further discussed in one day .

  29. 在介绍植物细胞培养用高产细胞系筛选的一般步骤、常用方法及这些方法的实际应用状况的基础上,着重介绍了辐射诱变处理在现阶段高产细胞系筛选中的应用及其发展前景。

    The present paper introduced in detail the general procedure of high-production cell line screenings used in plant cell culture , the methods commonly used and their actual applying situations , emphasizing the application of the radiation induction treatment at the present stage and its developing prospects .

  30. 改进的HPLC法测定红豆杉植物和细胞培养物中紫杉醇的含量

    Determination of taxol content in plant and cell cultures of Taxus spp . by improving HPLC method