
ɡòu cí fǎ
  • word-formation;word-building;morphology
构词法 [gòu cí fǎ]
  • [word-forming;word building] 在某一语言中通过派生和复合的过程构成词

  • [morphology] 一种语言中的构词因素和过程的规律

  1. 构词法在智能英汉机译系统词典库中的应用

    The application of lexical morphology to the lexicon of IMT e / c system

  2. 回环理论与汉语构词法

    The loop theory in Chinese morphology

  3. 计算机信息技术行业是现代英语新词产生频率最高、数量最多的地方,其中重要渠道之一是通过缩短类构词法生成的,该类构词法在ICT英语词汇中发挥了特殊的作用。

    Shortening word-formation is one of the most important sources for neologism in modern English , especially for those derived from computer and ICT industry , which also plays a prominent and special role in producing ICT English words .

  4. 论转化构词法实现自动化下变频接收的方案研究

    The research on the ways of automatic down - conversion receiving

  5. 英语新闻词汇构词法浅析

    On the Brief Analysis of the Formations of English News vocabularies

  6. 论转化构词法高校后勤社会化中后勤管理干部的角色定位和角色转换

    Role Orientation and Conversion in Process of Rear - Service Socialization

  7. 电脑屏幕英语构词法及其语法特征

    The word building and the grammar specificity of computer screen English

  8. 运用构词法和语义学理论进行《实用英语》词汇教学

    Application of Word-formation and Semantics in Word Teaching of Practical English

  9. 词缀研究属于构词法研究的范畴。

    Affix research belongs to the category of word-formation research .

  10. 基于数据库的新造词语的构词法研究

    Researches on word-formation of New word Based on The Corpus

  11. 现代汉蒙语言构词法比较研究

    Comparison Studies of Word-Formation of Modern Chinese and Modern Mongolian

  12. 从构词法看英语词汇发展趋势

    On Development Tendency of English Vocabulary In Terms of Word-formation

  13. 第二章主要介绍了天水方言中的构词法。

    The second chapter basically introduces the word formation in tianshui dialect .

  14. 英汉构词法比较及语义对比分析

    Comparison between English and Chinese word formation and analysis of their semantics

  15. 在构词法研究中语素是最基本的单位。

    Morpheme is the basic unit in the study of word formation .

  16. 从复音词数据看上古汉语构词法的发展

    The Development of Word - formation in Ancient Chinese Language

  17. 从构词法看俄语词缀的作用

    A function of Russian affix from the word - building

  18. 利用构词法剖析医学领域英语新词汇

    Word-formation analysis of English new words in medical science

  19. 对于可能形成新命名实体的串,继续利用互信息并结合构词法向左右两个方向扩展来确定其边界。

    Mutual information values are also utilized to determine a pattern 's boundaries .

  20. 从构词法上看,它在语音的联系上具有多样性。

    From the viewpoint of word formation , it varies in phonetic connection .

  21. 句法学构词法即复合法。

    Sentence legal science word formation namely compound method .

  22. 让学生根据读音规则和构词法书写、记忆单词。

    Write the new words in the exercises book .

  23. 医学专业英语单词构词法教学效果分析

    Using terminology in medical English teaching and evaluation

  24. 基于转移的音字转换纠错规则获取技术论转化构词法

    Automatic rule acquisition based on Transformation for a Chinese syllable to character conversion system

  25. 英汉构词法比较&《现代英语词汇学概论》及《现代汉语》读后感

    A Comparison of Word-formation between English and Chinese

  26. 论转化构词法从医疗举证责任倒置看防御性医疗

    Discussion on Defensive Medicine from Onus Proof Conversion

  27. 论转化构词法异步电机直接转矩控制磁链模型切换的研究

    Study on Method Conversion of Direct Torque Control

  28. 论转化构词法智能模拟数字转换器

    On Conversion A Intelligent Analog - Digit Converter

  29. 论转化构词法瞬变电磁场的波场变换算法

    Wave-field conversion method for transient electromagnetic field

  30. 汉语的同源词和构词法

    The Cognate Words and Word-Formation of Chinese