
  • 网络CONSTRUCTIVISM;Constructivist
  1. 这场展览展示苏联构成主义创新者的作品,比如亚历山大·罗琴科(AlexanderRodchenko)和埃尔·利西茨基(ElLissitzky)。

    The work of innovators associated with Soviet Constructivism , like Alexander Rodchenko and El Lissitzky , is celebrated in this show .

  2. 巴塞罗那博览会德国会馆从风格派、构成主义到巴塞罗那博览会德国馆

    From School of Style , Constructivism to German Hall at Barcelona Fair Germany

  3. 达达主义,它是促成装饰绘画立体化的感性原因。构成主义,它是促成装饰绘画立体化的理性原因。

    Its perceptual cause is dadaism and the rational one is structuralism .

  4. 狭义构成主义方法包含内在冲突。

    An inherent conflict can be found in constructivism in the narrow sense .

  5. 构成主义与20世纪与二三十年代的俄国纺织品设计

    Constructivism and Russian Textile Design in 1920s and 1930s

  6. 构成主义派的艺术家。

    An artist of the school of constructivism .

  7. 本论文的分析范式建立在社会构成主义的途径基础上。

    The analysis paradigm of this dissertation is based on " social constructivist approach " .

  8. 各种团体不是停止活动和转向,就是加入构成主义或超现实主义。

    The various groups had either stagnated , transferred loyalties , or merged into constructivism or surrealism .

  9. 霍尔着重论述了构成主义的两种途径&符号学(语言学)和“话语”。

    Hall emphasized the semiotic and the discursive approaches in the constructionist approach to " representation " .

  10. 这些特征主要包括来自立体&未来主义、光辐射主义和构成主义的影响。

    These characteristics include the impact from the " three-dimensional-the futuristic ray radiation doctrine " and " constructivist " .

  11. 广义构成主义方法是综合和系统的方法,兼容直觉主义等方法。

    Constructivism in the broad sense is a synthetic and systemic methodology that is compatible with methods like intuitionism .

  12. 所谓“结构感”是他以有数的线条分割画面而形成的构成主义特征。

    The dimensional structure of composition means that the painting parts are distinguished and separated by lines , which shows some touch of structuralism .

  13. 它们是:建立在行为主义心理学基础上的直接教学法,建立在认知心理学基础上的构成主义教学法,人本主义心理学倡导的以学生为主导的教学法,及交际教学法。

    They are direct instruction based on behavioral psychology , constructivist instruction based on cognitive psychology , student-directed instruction based on humanistic psychology and communicative approach .

  14. 传统的知识论是构成主义的知识论,它着重研究知识的基础与知识本身的构成;

    The traditional theory of knowledge belongs to the constitutive doctrine that stresses the study of the basis of knowledge and of the constitution of knowledge itself .

  15. 另一个构成主义的观点,换句话说,是将科技视为存在于社会之外的,有直接影响技能跟工作组织的能力。

    The alternative to constructivism , in other words , is to view technology as existing outside society , capable of directly influencing skills and work organization .

  16. 20世纪的一系列现代艺术流派,立体主义、表现主义、达达主义、未来主义、抽象主义、构成主义等等。他们都是从不同甚至是相反的角度去理解吸取并发展的。

    A series of modern 20th century art genres , cubism , expressionist , Dadaist , futurism , abstract doctrine , constitute a socialist , etc. They were both from different even is the opposite of the Angle from and development of understanding .

  17. 日本通过对西方现代设计手法的学习,将构成主义和新的技术手段与传统文化成功结合,形成了既能完全适应国际市场需求,又具有典型传统文化特征的日本设计风格。

    Japan adopted the western way of learning modern design , will form the doctrine and new technological means and the successful combination of traditional culture , both forms fully meet international market demand , but also has the typical characteristics of Japanese traditional culture style .

  18. 在很多艺术流派中都有抽象雕塑的创作,此起彼伏,争奇斗胜,比如立体主义、构成主义、极少主义、超现实主义等,抽象雕塑生长的环境不同,它的表现语言也不同。

    At art school , there are a lot of abstract sculpture creation , come and go , and Doo-Sheng Zheng-qi , such as Cubism , Constructivism , Minimalism , Surrealism , etc. , abstract sculpture growth environment is different , its performance in different languages .

  19. 新全球化与文明对话,构成马克思主义当代语境。

    New globalization and civilization dialogue forms the contemporary context of Marxism .

  20. 西方人在这两者之间摇摆不定,构成东方主义中的钟摆现象。

    Occidental linger between these two attitudes which has formed the pendulum phenomena in the area of Orientalism .

  21. 而中国革命和现代化建设的实践足以构成马克思主义哲学是生产力的伟大历史确证。

    The practice of Chinese revolution and modernization construction is surely a historical proof that Marxist philosophy is productive power .

  22. 1930年代有关表现主义的争论以及围绕现实主义与表现主义的优劣高下所进行的激烈论辩,构成马克思主义在20世纪初期文艺理论发展的独特思想景观;

    The heated one about expressionism and realism in 1930s ' constitutes the unusual thinking sights of Marxist literary theory in the 20th century .

  23. 它在当代中国重大发展都构成马克思主义生态经济学最重要的基本理论。

    Marx 's generalized productive forces , which develop in current China , have formed the most important basic theory of eco - marxism economy .

  24. 哲学创新构成马克思主义哲学的当代话语,正确理解马克思主义哲学创新是实现其真正走向创新的重要前提。

    The innovation of philosophy forms the discourse of the contemporary Marxist philosophy . Understanding correctly Marxist philosophy innovation is the important prerequisite to realize its real inauguration .

  25. 对此,必须正确认识马克思主义真理是科学的方法、革命的精神和现实的理想,它们构成马克思主义立场、观点和方法的本质内容。

    Hereon , we must realize that the truth of Marxism is the scientific method , the revolutionary spirit and the real ideality , which together constitute the essential contents of Marxist standpoint , viewpoint and method .

  26. 由于诉辩交易包含了构成程序主义法治范式的关键因素&反思性程序和规制性法律,因此诉辩交易与中国法治秩序建构就是现实的理论问题。

    We should establish the relationship between Plea Bargaining and Rule of law Order in China , because Plea Bargaining has the reflective procedure and the supervisory rules , which is characteristic of the " the procedure model of rule of law " .

  27. 在对马克思主义多样化和多元化的理解解释过程中,正统和非正统都是马克思主义发展演变延续传承历史过程中的客观产物,他们共同构成马克思主义发展史的一个侧面。

    In the process of diversity and pluralism for understanding and interpreting Marxism , both orthodox and unorthodox Marxists are the objective products in the process of the development and evolution of Marxism . They constitute the history of the development of Marxist in one side .

  28. 而马克思主义大众化的实现也正是依托于我们此在的文化世界,现实生活的文化世界构成了马克思主义大众化的文化认知场。

    The field of cultural cognitive of Marxist popularity is composed cultural world of real life .

  29. 中国传统哲学中的唯物主义和辩证法也构成了马克思主义哲学的理论来源之一。

    The materialism and dialectics in China 's traditional philosophy formed one of the theory sources of Marx 's philosophy .

  30. 这一章节主要由两部分构成:种族主义对黑人女性的压迫和黑人女性主体建构。

    This chapter is consisted of two parts : the criticism of racism on black female and the construction of black female subjectivity .