- truffle

For example , I could never have imagined that a truffle farmer , of all people , would use personal DNA machines .
If you 're lucky enough to be around during the autumn truffle season , try uova con tartufi - fried eggs with truffle oil .
Dr. Paul Thomas grows truffles for a living .
So in order to grow the highest quality truffles , the ones that chefs all over the world will fight over , Paul has to use DNA analysis .
It is the first venture in hotel-keeping from the P é rez family , whose nearby estate La Mas í a El Olmo is a major truffle producer .
Blu 's skate with cauliflower , wild mushrooms and truffle broth used to be $ 26 ;
They are serving a dish called ' A Dog in Search of Gold ' on an Apple iPad that 's playing a video of a dog hunting for truffles .
And in case you 're not into truffles , Quince also serves frog legs on top of iPads playing videos of frogs in a pond .
For example , Vianet , which installed the Pig & Truffle 's beer flow monitor for Punch , suffered a 16 per cent share price decline in the two trading days after the vote .
At the heart of Teruel 's truffle zone lie a pair of pretty , historic villages with confusingly similar names : Mora de Rubielos and Rubielos de Mora .
That evening at Los Leones , a fine little palace-hotel , owner Manuel G ó rriz serves me an aged sirloin steak adorned with thin truffle slices bestowing a pungent aroma on the simply cooked meat .
They also feature on the menu at the hotel spa , which claims its truffle-derived cocktail of vitamins , minerals and polyphenols works as a " natural Botox " for the skin .
the black winter truffle traditionally associated with P é rigord in southwest France but now cultivated here on such a scale that local producers claim Teruel accounts for a fifth of the global crop .
The Pig & Truffle would have been in trouble if it had been caught selling cheaper green-top Holsten .
echoes of the sweet scallops , earthy truffles and Parmesan 's salty umami richness could all be tasted in the paired wine , a Grande Cuv é e called " L'Expression M ê me du Ravissement Ultime . "
Thanks to her explanations I learn the taxonomy of the truffle family and to easily distinguish Tuber magnatum , the renowned wild truffle of Piedmont , from Tuber aestivum , the milder-flavoured summer truffle , andTuber melanosporum ,
I have come to the county for a long weekend at La Trufa Negra , a hotel whose pioneering " truffle tourism " package includes a truffle-hunting expedition with dogs , a truffly tasting-menu and truffle-based therapies in the hotel spa .
This past winter , Mr. Mille 's stunning black-truffle-themed menu , served with a selection of Krug Champagnes , began with grilled scallops and celery-and-black-truffle " risotto " in a Parmesan foam ;
Grilled lamb chops with black truffle sauce ( and mint sauce )
How about a single chocolate truffle costing $ 250 ?
The first truffle in Manjimup took some five years to produce .
You have to hunt for them in the wild .
They wonderfully elevate the delicate taste of the quail .
Chuck : Well , how about a grilled cheese with truffle ?
Very much like using a hog to find truffles .
Truffles go perfectly with almost any quail dish ...
Every word in Italian is like a truffle . A magic trick .
It 's a truffle . it 's got all of these layers .
" Oh , remember that Thanksgiving when Rachel screwed up the trifle ?"
But the most remarkable draw is the truffle .