
  • 网络Virgil;virgile;Vergil;vigil
  1. 维吉尔:这一次我会试试看你的方式。

    Vergil : I 'll try it your way for once .

  2. 维吉尔:你是那么认为的吗?傻女孩。

    Vergil : Is that what you think ? Foolish girl .

  3. 她迅速看完了维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》的一个译本。

    She rattled through a translation from Virgil 's Aeneid .

  4. 我记得很清楚,另一天晚上,不知什么使我们谈起但丁对维吉尔的崇拜。

    I remember vividly another evening , when something led us to talk of dante 's veneration for virgil .

  5. 维吉尔不能弹射未损坏的船舱。

    Virgil ` s not designed to eject undamaged compartments .

  6. 堕落到罪恶的道路上去是很容易的。&维吉尔

    The path down to evil is easy . & Virgil

  7. 维吉尔在入口处被拒且看起来愤怒为难。

    Virgil is denied entrance and appears to be angered and perplexed .

  8. 维吉尔:但他并不知道那东西真正的力量。

    Vergil : But he has no idea of its true power .

  9. 他最喜欢的书是维吉尔所著的《埃涅阿斯纪》。

    He said that his favorite book is The Aeneid , by Virgil .

  10. 维吉尔具有沉静而迷人的气质,如同月光之下的一尊阿波罗雕像;

    Virgil is serene and lovely like a marble Apollo in the moonlight ;

  11. 维吉尔:那个女人让你分心了吗?

    Vergil : Does that woman really bother you ?

  12. 我也忘记教维吉尔号学习飞行了。

    And I never taught Virgil how to fiy .

  13. 维吉尔:可你那半我也想要。

    Vergil : Well I want yours too .

  14. 维吉尔:滚!我不想说第三遍。

    Vergil : Leave me ! I won 't tell you a third time .

  15. 维吉尔:我明白了,你体内的恶魔也觉醒了。

    Vergil : I see , a devil inside you has awakened as well .

  16. 维吉尔把半个夹肉面包塞到嘴里,慢慢的咀嚼起来。

    Virgil stuck half a sandwich into his mouth and began to chew slowly .

  17. 不过今天你已经相当的疲惫了,是不是,维吉尔?

    But you 've taken quite a trouncing today , haven 't you , Vergil ?

  18. 劳动可以战胜一切。&维吉尔

    Labour conquers all things . & Virgil

  19. 维吉尔:嘿,老兄,我告诉你没?我搞到手了。

    Virgil Hu : Oh dude , did I tell you ? I got it .

  20. 希望借此丰富维吉尔及《埃涅阿斯纪》研究。

    I am hoping to enrich the research of Virgil and the " Aeneid " .

  21. 维吉尔:很遗憾,我们的灵魂并不一致。我需要更强大的力量!

    Vergil : Unfortunately , our souls are at odds brother . I need more power !

  22. 维吉尔写了古罗马帝国的建立,她的崩溃也是一个重大题材。

    Virgil wrote of the famous of Rome , her dissolution is as grand a subject .

  23. 维吉尔是最伟大的拉丁诗人,著有伟大的史诗《埃涅阿斯纪》。

    Virgil was the greatest of Latin poets and wrote the great epic , the Aeneid .

  24. 维吉尔:为了更深研究你的那些黑魔法,你亲手弑杀了结发妻子。

    Vergil : To further your study of the black arts , you sacrificed your loving wife .

  25. 杰斯特:你想知道为何封印没有解除,嗯,维吉尔?

    Jester : You want to know why the speel didn 't break , hmm , Vergil ?

  26. 维吉尔:现在最后的门已经开启,我不再需要你了。

    Vergil : Now that the final door is open , I have no use for you .

  27. 但是扎克伯格后来更正说,他最爱的书是维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯记》。

    However , Zuckerberg corrected this and called ' The Aeneid " by Virgil as his favourite book .

  28. 维吉尔:老兄,你知道如果我自己住我会干嘛么?

    Virgil Hu : Dude , do you know what I could do if I had my own place ?

  29. 维吉尔:为什么这东西不动?还缺什么吗?难道需要更多的鲜血?

    Vergil : Why isn 't this working ?! Is there something missing ? Must more blood be shed ?

  30. 从哪些方面可看出,埃涅阿斯更像安东尼而非奥古斯都?维吉尔如何处理这个类似点?

    In what respects might Aeneas be more like Mark Anthony than Augustus and how does Vergil treat this resemblance ?