
  • 网络Cup Noodle
  1. 而杯面公园将是孩子们的一个完美乐园,在那里他们可以亲身体验杯面的制造过程。

    And Cup Noodle Park will be a perfect playground for kids where they can experience the manufacturing process of cup noodle .

  2. 除此杯面博物馆外,还有另两个拉面博物馆。

    Besides this Cup Noodles Museum , there are another two Ramen museums .

  3. 方便食品的范围包括杯面,薯片和奶油蛋糕。

    The convenience food range includes cup noodles , potato chips and cream cake .

  4. 游客也可以在我的杯面工厂创造属于自己的与众不同的杯面。

    Visitors can create their completely unique cup noodles at My Cup Noodles Factory .

  5. 游客可以像在横滨杯面博物馆一样自己制作杯面。

    Visitors can make their own cup noodle just like in the Cup Noodles Museum in Yokohama .

  6. 分析师表示,得益于时间宝贵的城市居民的需求,杯面销量正以两位数的速率增长。

    Analysts say sales of cup noodles are growing at double-digit rates because of demand from time-poor , city dwellers .

  7. 而对于面条情侣来说,亮点将在博物馆之旅的末尾,那时游客将能有5460种选择做出专属他们自己的杯面。

    But the highlight for noodle lovers will be at the end of the museum tour when visitors will be able to make their own cup noodles out of 5,460 choices .

  8. 那些在被遗弃的日本城市中,缺乏基本生存必需品的大学生们,应该感谢当时永无止境的饥饿,感谢那时深不见底的绝望,还有保障人们生存的基础设施的匮乏——是这些鼓舞着安藤百福发明了杯面。

    College students in need of cheap sustenance can thank the endless food lines , desperation , and lack of surviving infrastructure in the wasted cities of Japan for giving Momofuku the inspiration and drive to develop his signature Cup of Noodles .

  9. 但随着中国和印尼这两个最大的方便面消费国的平价方便面市场逐渐饱和,这些公司开始竞相生产价值更高的产品,从比较异国风味的产品,到可以直接在包装里吃的更方便的杯面。

    But with the markets for cheap noodles saturated in China and Indonesia , the two biggest consumers of instant noodles , these companies are racing to produce higher-value products , from more exotic flavours to more convenient cup noodles that can be eaten straight out of their packaging .

  10. 分析了纺制OE竹节纱三种方法的优缺点,提出了在纺杯滑移面设置障碍物纺制竹节纱的新方法。

    Performances of three means of manufacturing the bunchy yarn on OE are analyzed in this paper .

  11. 这杯简单的面:

    This simple cup of noodles :

  12. 如果一粒葡萄干放进一杯香槟里放,你会发现它会在杯面和杯底之间来回浮动。

    If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne , it will keep floating to the top and then sinking to the bottom .