
  • 网络The Entertainment Economy;Recreation Economy
  1. 因而娱乐经济得到了飞速发展,KTV娱乐业的迅猛发展就是具体体现。

    So the entertainment economy obtains rapid development , a daily propriety is the quick development of KTV entertainment .

  2. 在对娱乐经济、娱乐产业各个相关环节进行了全方位的分析之后,本文认为当前中国传媒经济发展最大的矛盾点在于产业政策不清晰,市场缺乏活力。

    Started with an all-inclusive illustration of every correlative sector in the entertainment economy and entertainment industry , this dissertation argues that the biggest contradiction of the development of Chinese media economy lies within its ambiguous media policies and sluggish market .

  3. 娱乐经济时代下体育产业优先发展领域之探析

    A Probe into the Development Field for Sports Industry in Entertaining Economy Era

  4. 第三章探讨娱乐经济在注意力经济中的地位。

    The third chapter discusses the entertainment economy .

  5. 电视、年轻人与娱乐经济

    TV , youngers and amusement economy

  6. 娱乐经济分析

    An Analysis on Amusement Economy

  7. 研究了娱乐经济的内涵与特征,并对娱乐经济的发展进行了分析。

    The article not only explains the meaning as well as its characteristics of amusement economy but also discusses the development of amusement economy .

  8. 在经过对娱乐经济背景的分析之后,我们得出玩具设计,尤其是针对新一代青少年的玩具设计是有巨大发展空间的。

    After the analysis of the entertainment economy , we draw a conclusion that toy design , especially toys design for new generation teenagers has great prospects .

  9. 对上述公司的销售数据和趋势进行的分析显示,新兴的数字娱乐经济和今天的主流娱乐市场截然不同。

    An analysis of the sales data and trends from these services and others like them shows that the emerging digital entertainment economy is going to be radically different from today 's mass market .

  10. 在今天动画产业已作为文化创意产业的一部分,给娱乐经济带来飞速的发展,动画的票房,动画角色的商业价值也成了关注的焦点。

    In today animation industry had taken the cultural creativity industry a part , brought the rapid development for the entertainment economy , the animation box office , the animation role commercial value has also become the attention focal point .

  11. 本文以国外的赌场旅馆为例,剖析国外的赌场旅馆运营过程中所体现出的独特经营模式,让更多的企业能在娱乐经济时代,更好地将娱乐因素运用于企业管理的方方面面。

    Taking foreign casino hotel for example , the article analyzes the unique management mode embodied in the course of operation and management of foreign casino hotels , enabling more enterprises to make better use of recreation factors in all aspects of management in recreation economy era .

  12. 与普度类似,出海等迎神赛会也具有娱乐和经济功能。

    Similar to " Pudu "," Chuhai " also has entertainment and economic functions .

  13. 按照体验经济的视角审视传媒的发展与经营,关注传媒产业在娱乐体验经济中的角色地位,本文做出一个假设&传媒即体验。

    With view of experience economy on media management and operation , focusing on the position and party of media industry in the experience economy , a hypothesis is produced : media is the experience .

  14. 影视方言节目的大众传播是全球娱乐化经济的产物,它是一种地域语言与文化霸权的体现,对族群团结和国族认同造成了冲击。

    The audiovisual entertainment in local dialects is an integral part of the global media entertainment , a manifestation of local languages and cultural hegemony . It undermines the identity based on national unity and identification .

  15. 体育具有健身、娱乐、政治、经济、教育等职能。体育的教育职能是体育最基本的一个派生职能。

    It functions as body-building , entertainment , politics , economy and education with its educational function being the most basic derivative one .

  16. 中国娱乐业是中国经济从投资驱动向消费驱动转型的一个代表性行业,它也代表着体验型消费的流行。

    China 's entertainment industry is representative of the shift in the economy from investment to consumption , and buying experiences over things .

  17. 而其位于杭州的公司在微博中透露,除了提供云计算,阿里巴巴还会加入电子娱乐、地图和经济资讯服务。

    Besides providing cloud computing , Alibaba will also add digital entertainment , maps and financial data , the Hangzhou , China-based company said on its microblog .

  18. 体育新闻娱乐化是市场经济特定发展阶段的必然产物,是符合新闻传播规律的自然现象。

    Entertainment of sports news is an inevitable product of development of market economy , and it 's also the natural phenomena according to the discipline of news broadcasting .

  19. 重阳节就是这种集信仰、伦理、娱乐、艺术、经济等多种功能于一身的传统节庆活动之一,其民俗文化的积淀较其他节庆也显得更为深厚。

    The Double Ninth Festival as a traditional festival have multiple functions , such as belief , morality , entertainment , art , economic etc * The folk culture accumulation are more profound than other festivals too .

  20. 媒介娱乐幻象的内在经济模式也是其生发机制的另一重要方面。一种是由传统媒体发起的立体化营销模式,另一种是以新媒体发起的注意力营销模式。

    Another important aspect for this mechanism is the inner economical format of media entertaining illusion : one is cubical norm of sale started by traditional media , and the other is attentive norm of sale originated from new media .

  21. 一方面随着录制、广播等传播技术的发展,娱乐产业成为各国经济中最重要的产业之一,而表演者在整个娱乐产业中具有举足轻重的地位。

    On the one hand , with the development of the techniques of replication , broadcasting and so on , the entertaining industry has become one of the most important industries of different countries ' economy , and the performers have gained a significant status in the whole entertaining industry .

  22. 近几年来,我国努力开拓娱乐市场、大力发展娱乐经济,使娱乐产业成为国民经济中重要的组成部分。

    In recent years , China tries his best to exploit the entertainment market and develop the entertainment economy , and make the entertainment industry become an important component of the national economy .

  23. 认为打尺寸运动项目已成为畲族人民喜爱的健身娱乐活动,并且所具有体育竞技、健身娱乐、教育、经济等多方面的功能,能为畲族地区的经济社会发展起着积极的作用。

    Da Chi Cun sport has become a favorite physical and recreation activity for the She ethnic minority , and been playing a positive role in developing the She area 's economy and sociality with its competitive , physical , recreation , educational and economic function .