
  • 网络From The Abyss
  1. 我们来自漆黑的深渊,我们归于漆黑的深渊,中间光明的间隔,被我们唤作一生。

    We come from a dark abyss , we end in a dark abyss , and we call the luminous interval life .

  2. 即使在最有利的环境中,今日的苏格拉底求知主义将如何对付这个来自无底深渊的魔灵呢?

    Even under the most favorable circumstances what can the knowledge-craving Socratism of our days do with this demon rising from unfathomable depths ?

  3. 泪水来自神圣的绝望深渊

    Tears from the depth of some divine despair