- 网络incoming flow

The vortex breakdown results in the low-energy fluid accumulating on the casing wall spreads out remarkably , which has a large blockage effect on incoming flow .
When the prerotation in the incoming flow is clockwise , parts of the prerotation was used to counteract the effect of the Coriolis force , and the remains was used to produce the clockwise vortex .
Numerical Euler solution for the interaction between oscillating cascades and forced inlet unsteadiness
The results show that pressure coefficients are not the same for different velocities in the entrance .
Results show f_r is the dominating factor influencing the performance of airfoil in dynamic inflow , while Re Number impacts less on it .
Different body shapes and flow field parameters will change the location of wake transition and eventually the value and distribution of RCS .
Uniform flow around a mounting cylinder is simulated with the application of FLUENT software while Reynolds number is 20,40,100 . Stream function and velocity vector distributions are indicated .
Secondly , the effects of initial temperatures , initial pressure , incoming flow Mach number and incoming flow deflection angle on the detonation wave structure were investigated .
The instantaneous vortex structure of the leading-edge vortices on a delta wing in unsteady free stream is investigated via particle image velocimetry in unsteady wind tunnel of NUAA .
Vortex shedding from a circular cylinder oscillating transversely in uniform flows is numerically investigated using the Navier-Stokes equations for different oscillating frequencies , amplitudes and Reynolds numbers .
Finally , the qualitative and quantitative effect of parameters such as attack angle , pressure ratio of jet , Mach number of jet and state of boundary layer on lateral jet interaction are analyzed in detail .
Studies on roof response of sudden opening indicate that resonance vibration will be caused if Helmholtz frequency , roof natural frequency and eddy wake current frequency are the same .
By adapting Davenport spectrum for horizontally fluctuating wind , wind velocity time history at the opening was simulated by using trigonometric series .
The concentration distribution of a CO_2 jet in the wake of a circular cylinder is measured , and the effects of co-flowing air velocity and the diameter of circular cylinder on the concentration distribution of the CO_2 jet are presented .
The flow fields in the flume under different incoming flow conditions were numerically simulated using commercial software Fluent . The shape and position of the vortex obtained by numerical simulation agree well with that of the experiments .
On the incoming flow condition of high enthalpy air in an electric arc wind tunnel , three-dimensional chemical non - equilibrium Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically to analyze real gas effect in complete flowfields around a non-ablated spherical cone model .
A two river confluence model is developed that describes the flow field and confluence characteristic of Yangtze river in Chongqing .
In view of the current velocity and the water depth investigated in the artificial reef area at Shengsi , the value U_ ( in ) and the depth H could be taken as 0.7 m / s and 20 m respectively .
There are two states to be considered here . One is the complete laminar boundary layer and the other is the boundary layer transition . The transition point is confirmed by Batt boundary layer transition criteria .
In this water tunnel experiments , the results obtained at 20 ? cm / s for the roughness height 0.8 ? mm can be used to explained the scatter of the pitching moment curves obtained in the wind tunnel measurements .
Inflow and outflow boundary conditions for the method were given t.
Optimal design of two dimensional compression surface under non uniform supersonic flow
Characteristic study on flow field of cell TRUSS SPAR under different currents
Analysis on surface wind-pressure of complex structures under sinusoidal inflow
Influence of non-uniform inflow upon the three-dimensional gas-solid cylinder wake
Numerical simulation of the effect on the unsteady wind flow around building
Influences of the various factors are presented on the jet gasdynamic gains .
Effect of far field flow on the spherical crystal in the undercooled melt
Numerical Simulation of Frozen Flow Field of Lateral Jet Interaction in Supersonic Flow
Numerical investigation for the short isolator with a ramp under asymmetric incoming flow