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  1. 按要求付费报名,准时来济参会;

    Pays expenses the registration according to the request , Punctual aids the senate meeting ;

  2. 基于此,他决意以西方文化之长来济中国文化之短,力图创建一个融合中西文化的新的学术体系。

    Based on this , he decides to make the west culture to aid Chinese culture to be short , tries hard to found a new academic system that absorbing advantage of Chinese and west civilization .

  3. 在高校收费制度改革的条件下,通过图书馆勤工助学活动来济困助学,对于维护校园稳定,提高大学生素质很有必要。

    Under the conditions of reforming the fee method in university , helping the poor students through taking a part - time job while studying at collage practiced in university library is very necessary for keeping the stability of campus and increasing the quality of university students .

  4. 本文运用外向型经济理论,分析了近十几年来福建外向型济发展特点,提出了持续发展的对策。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of out-oriented economy in Fujian , and put forward the measures of sustained development .

  5. 近几年来,中国社会济生活中不讲信用、无视信用、破坏信用的现象日益严重,信用体系建设越来越受到大家的重视。

    Recently , the phenomenon of no compliance with credit and ignoring the credit and breaking credit is getting more and more serious , the Construction of Credit System is attracting more and more focus .

  6. 但有一些更具体的观点可以被归为“审慎意见”,一些批评者借这个词汇来反对教皇方济各在气候变化和经济不平等等议题上的立场。

    But more specific assertions in them can be categorized as " prudential judgments , " a phrase that some critics have invoked to reject Francis " positions on issues like climate change or economic inequality .