
lái tou
  • connections;background;backing;sb.'s backing;cause;reliable source;fun;interest;motive behind sb.'s words;oncoming force;profit
来头 [lái tou]
  • (1) [sb.'s backing]∶较好的来历(多指人的经历或背景)

  • 那个胖子一定有来头

  • (2) [cause;reliable source]∶原因,理由

  • 他这些话是有来头的,是冲着咱们说的

  • (3) [fun; interest]∶玩乐的兴趣

  • 拳击有啥来头?滑冰多开心

  • (4) [motive behind sb.'s words;oncoming force]∶来势;来人所表露出的气势

  • 众人看见来头不好

  • (5) [profit]∶赚头;利润

  • 大有来头

来头[lái tou]
  1. 舒展的眉头,快乐的心头,悠闲的大头,忙碌的小头,健康的里头,潇洒的外头,阔卓的手头,挡不住的来头!五一节快乐!

    The brows that extend , happy mind , carefree big head , busy small head , healthy within , cheesy out , the at hand of broad eminent , the connections that does not block ! 51 joy !

  2. 此人大有来头。

    This man has influential backing .

  3. IMF每年发布两次的预测显示,印度经济增速有望超越中国,这将是16年来头一回。

    The twice-yearly forecast shows India is expected to outperform China in growth for the first time in 16 years .

  4. 阿邦拉霍上半场的头球让维拉26年来头一回在OT赢球。

    Gabriel Agbonlahor 's first half header secured a first win for Villa at Old Trafford for26 years .

  5. 三星电子(SamsungElectronics)六年来头一次更换其移动业务部门主管,试图逆转近期智能手机销量的下跌势头。

    Samsung Electronics has replaced the head of its mobile business for the first time in six years , as it seeks to reverse a recent trend of falling smartphone sales .

  6. 所以,《GQ》实际上只列出了九位硅谷最差着装男士,其他六位则另有来头。

    So GQ really gave us the nine worst-dressed men of Silicon Valley , plus six other guys .

  7. 我两年来头一次看到家。

    I had my first sight of home for two years .

  8. 哇,这么有来头的古树。

    Wow , this tree has such an interesting background .

  9. 他说这些话是有来头的。

    He didn 't say these words without a motive .

  10. 我搞不懂你是什么来头。

    I 've no idea where you 're from .

  11. 姑且原谅你的窃行,你这来头不小的小偷,

    I do forgive thy robbery , gentle thief ,

  12. 可居然有人说这些人来头不小?

    And these people are said to flourish ?

  13. 那帮混蛋什么来头?

    Who the hell are these kids anyway ?

  14. 那些人都大有来头。

    Those were not just ordinary people there .

  15. 这对蝴蝶双刀,大有来头。

    These knives have a long history .

  16. 他昨天四十年来头一次休假,并拣定了一小块墓地。

    He took his first holiday in forty years yesterday , and picked out a cemetery plot .

  17. 如果您真的就是时间的化身或者说您说的什么别的大来头

    If you are really time itself , yourself , or whatever suchness you claim ... Scone .

  18. 这个地方住的人很有来头(非富即贵的人住的地方)。

    This area is very select , ie Only the most wealthy , respectable , etc people live here .

  19. 电玩商情中山讯:门外有专人把守,进门要验证身份,神秘屋子究竟有何来头?

    Game Trade Zhongshan News : outside there is someone guarding the door to verify the identity of the mysterious house backing what ?

  20. 三年来头一次,省级选举将指出伊拉克人想要谁来治理他们的国家。

    The provincial elections should point , for the first time in three years , to whom the Iraqis want to run their country .

  21. 基米的衣着和举止使店员感到这人来头不小,因此很乐意为这个年轻人提供他所需要的情况。

    The clerk was impressed by the clothes and manner of Jimmy and he was ready to give the young man any information he desired .

  22. 艾莱柯在她的虚幻生活中,先是信主教派,因为这个教派的头面人物都有来头;派[叫]人去请医生

    Aleck , in her dream life , went over to the Episcopal camp , on account of its large official titles ; send a person for the doctor

  23. 去年台湾投资者20年来头一回把资金转回岛内时,人们欢呼这是台湾市场的革命性时刻。

    When Taiwanese investors last year began bringing money back to the island for the first time in two decades , it was hailed as a transformative moment for Taiwan 's markets .

  24. 他说,十年来头一次政府开支将超过收入,由此造成的预算赤字不少于国内生产总值的7%。

    The Kremlin leader says expenditures will exceed revenues for the first time in ten years , creating a budget deficit of no less than seven percent of the country 's gross domestic product .

  25. 这是二十多年来头一次,我们通过两党协商提高了2%最富有美国人的税率,同时还避免中产阶级遭受增税的冲击,以免我们再次重蹈经济危机的覆辙。

    For the first time in two decades , we raised taxes on the wealthiest 2 % of Americans in a bipartisan way , while preventing a middle-class tax hike that could have thrown our economy back into recession .