
quán guì
  • Dignitaries;bigwigs;magnate;influential officials
权贵 [quán guì]
  • [influential officials] 旧指官高势大的人

  • 安能摧眉折腰事权贵。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》诗

权贵[quán guì]
  1. 第二次鸦片战争时期把持外交大权的满族权贵在外交上奉行既要维护国体,又要避免与西方国家作战的指导思想。

    The influential officials of Manchu controlled the diplomacy power during the second Opium War .

  2. 这一事件是唐王朝在面临崩溃之际,中央政府与藩镇之间,以及朝中权贵与广大寒门士子之间矛盾激化的结果。

    WANG Duo 's death resulted from the conflict between the Central Government of Late Tang Dynasty and the Military Governors , between the influential officials at court and the scholars who failed in their imperial exams .

  3. 肯尼斯是一个傲慢粗鲁只喜欢结交权贵的势利鬼。

    Kenneth is an arrogant , rude , social snob .

  4. 你会看到一个除了权贵不关心其他任何人的体制。

    You get a system that looks out for the rich and powerful and nobody else .

  5. 权贵立即叫他搬过来,左右端详了很久,说:“这尊不是真的!”

    The influential official asked him to fetch it at once . After he examined it for a long time , he said : " This one is not genuine . "

  6. 一天,鲁生将这尊假汉鼎献给了一位权贵。权贵如获至宝,便大宴宾客,请大家共同欣赏。

    One day , Lu Sheng presented this fake tripod to an influential official , who was so pleased as if he had got a treasure that he invited guests to a banquet to appreciate it together .

  7. low-rent:低劣的你告诉他了,你告诉了你的穷酸男朋友,social-climbing:结交社会权贵向上爬hand-me-down:半新的blab:泄密他又告诉了他趋炎附势的穿我旧衣服的妹妹,然后她向Nate告密了。

    Blair : You did . You told your low-rent boyfriend , and he told his social-climbing sister who wears my hand-me-downs , and she blabbed to Nate . -

  8. 费雪的父亲是流行歌手埃迪•费雪(EddieFisher),母亲是演员黛比•雷诺兹(DebbieReynolds)。后来,她利用自己在好莱坞权贵阶层中的地位,在多部著作中对娱乐业的矛盾和荒诞进行了揶揄和评论。

    Fisher , the daughter of pop singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds , went on to use her perch among Hollywood royalty to offer wry commentary in her books on the paradoxes and absurdities of the entertainment industry .

  9. 于此同时,名厨沃尔夫冈帕克,专给权贵做饭,在贝弗利山庄的Cut的自家餐厅,经常给PoshandBecks做饭,之前也揭露了明星的饮食喜好。

    Meanwhile , celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck , who cooks for the rich and famous , and has regularly dished up grub for Posh and Becks at his restaurant Cut in Beverly Hills , also previously opened up about the star 's eating habits .

  10. 权贵们戴塑料表并不是新鲜事。

    Plastic watches aren 't new in the halls of power .

  11. 这位部长花了八年的工夫攀升到权贵之尊。

    The minister 's climb to power had taken 8 years .

  12. 是权贵,尊严和吉祥的象征。

    It is the symbol of dignitary , reverence , and auspice .

  13. 一群权贵把王冠奉送给他。

    A section of the magnates offered him the crown .

  14. 企图巴结权贵以获取好处。

    Attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery .

  15. 星球上只有风暴骑兵,权贵人物,帝国成员。

    The only people on board were storm troopers , dignitaries , lmperialists .

  16. 然而,他们中很少有出身权贵的。

    However , there are very few of them that came from privilege .

  17. 一天,鲁生将这尊假汉鼎献给了一位权贵。

    One day , Lu Sheng presented this fake tripod to an influential official ,

  18. 瑞士达沃斯&在这座权贵云集的山谷里,担忧的情绪又回来了。

    DAVOS , Switzerland & Fear is back in the valley of the privileged .

  19. 这些手工做成的人物象征着神圣与权贵。

    Figures represent the Holy Family , animals , local dignitaries , and characters .

  20. 显贵会议包含了路易统治下的所有权贵人物

    The Assembly of Notablesincluded all the most powerful figures in Louis ' realm .

  21. 这个世界的权贵无法支配另一个世界的事。

    The powerful people of this world do not hold sway over the other world .

  22. 上世纪60年代的越战期间,人们对商业权贵阶层的厌恶之情有所加剧。

    In the 1960s , during the Vietnam War , antipathy to the business establishment increased .

  23. 这种发型曾经一度是富有、权贵或迷人女性的象征。

    It was once seen as an emblem of rich , powerful , or glamorous women .

  24. 火车轨道是平行的,一条是权贵,另一条是百姓;

    Train tracks are parallel , one is rich and powerful , the other is the people ;

  25. 又一次的,一个个参议员都争先恐后的对企业权贵们严加指责。

    Then again , senators enjoy railing against corporate fat cats as much as the next politician .

  26. 当然权贵也有很多人是不错的,诸如胸怀坦荡的。

    That the influential official also certainly has many person is good , breast is such as magnanimous .

  27. 德埃皮努瓦子爵是最早收养这个野女孩的权贵之一。

    The Viscount d'Epinoy was the first of several dignitaries to take up the savage girl 's cause .

  28. 世界大舞台上的权贵夫妇们已将握手视为平等、承诺的标志。

    Power couples on the world stage have taken to handholding as a sign of equality and commitment .

  29. 从“皇家豪宅”里权贵们的嘴里了解整个社会的真实状况吧

    to understand the whole of society from your perch here at the regal house , are you ?

  30. 埃尔多安和居伦一度是伊斯兰盟友,共同对付老一辈的土耳其世俗权贵。

    Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Gulen were once Islamist allies , at war with Turkey 's old secular elite .