
  1. 建立了同时检测蔬菜中15种有机磷农药、5种拟除虫菊酯农药、4种除草剂、1种有机氯农药和1种杀菌剂农药的多残留分析方法。

    A multi-residue analysis method was developed , which could simultaneously test residues of 15 organophosphorous insecticides , 5 pyrethroid insecticides , 4 herbicides , a organochlorine insecticide and a fungicide in vegetables .

  2. 杀菌剂作为现代农药的重要组成部分,在植物保护、农作物增产等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。

    As an important part of modern pesticides , fungicides are playing an irreplaceable role in plant protection and crop production .

  3. 国内已有的各类果蔬、餐具清洗设备普遍存在适应性差、杀菌和降解残留农药效果不好等问题。

    Our washing equipments are found to be poor in the field of adaptability and the effect of sterilization , so as the degradation of pesticide residues .