
shā zhēn jūn jì
  • fungicide;fungicide, antifungus
  1. 他们用杀真菌剂浸泡种子来防止秧苗受病。

    They treat their seeds with fungicide to combat seedling disease .

  2. 3种杀真菌剂对葡萄酒酿酒酵母生长及发酵性能的影响

    Influence of three fungicides on growth and fermentability of wine yeast

  3. 杀真菌剂甲基托布津对菌根营养植物生长繁殖的影响

    Influence of Thiophanate-methyl on Plant Growth and Reproduction of a Mycotrophic Plant

  4. 7种杀真菌剂对蒜薹灰霉菌抑制效果研究

    The Inhibition Effect of 7 Fungicides on Gray Mold of Garlic Sprouts

  5. 硫酸铜和生石灰的溶液,用作杀真菌剂。

    A solution of copper sulfate and quicklime used as a fungicide .

  6. 用系统杀真菌剂湿透土壤和植物基部。

    Drench the soil and base of the plant with a systemic fungicide .

  7. 杀真菌剂对烟苗和AM真菌菌根效应影响

    Impacts of Fungicides on Tobacco Seedlings and AM Effects

  8. 液相微萃取-GC-MS法测定水中的杀真菌剂类农药

    Determination of fungicides in water samples using hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction followed by GC-MS

  9. 清洁用品和消毒剂中含有农药和杀真菌剂才能起作用。

    Cleaning products and disenfectants contains pesticides and fungicides so they can do their job .

  10. 但是资源贫乏的农民通常负担不起这个选项,而且杀真菌剂对环境并不友好。

    But this option is not generally affordable for resource-poor farmers , and fungicides are not environmentally friendly .

  11. 绿色晶体,用作染料、着色剂、杀菌剂、杀真菌剂、驱虫剂或用于烧伤处理。

    A green crystal used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment .

  12. 多以喷雾剂或粉剂的形式应用。种子杀真菌剂用于种子发芽前作为保护性覆盖层。

    Most are applied as sprays or dusts ; seed fungicides are applied as a protective coating to seeds before germination .

  13. AM菌剂对赤霞珠扦插苗生长和抗旱性的影响杀真菌剂对烟苗和AM真菌菌根效应影响

    AM Fungi on the Growth and Drought Resistance of Cabernet Sauvignon Cuttings ; Impacts of Fungicides on Tobacco Seedlings and AM Effects

  14. 而且在育种项目持续开发抗病品种的同时,可以使用杀真菌剂在紧急情况下控制小麦锈病。

    And while breeding programmes continuously develop resistant varieties , fungicides can be used to control wheat rust in cases of emergency .

  15. 重金属残留污染出现在用含汞或砷的杀真菌剂或消毒剂处理过的种子中,及后来的在饲料使用中。

    Contamination with heavy metal residues has occurred from seeds treated with fungicides or disinfectants containing mercury or arsenic , and subsequent use in feedstuffs .

  16. 目前它已是全世界领先的除草剂、杀虫剂和杀真菌剂生产企业。这些产品可用于土壤或植株叶表,从而可以保护作物免遭病虫害的侵袭。

    It is the world leader in the herbicides , insecticides and fungicides that , applied to the soil or to the leaves of plants , safeguard crops from pests or diseases .

  17. 当时该公司发现,多菌灵这种在美国没有被批准用于柑橘类水果的杀真菌剂,在巴西被用来喷洒橘子树。

    At that time , the company discovered that carbendazim , which is not approved for use on citrus fruits in the United States , was being used to combat mold on orange trees in Brazil .