- 名function psychology

Dewey gets a mothod to criticize the psychological foundation of traditional philosophy from the development of functional psychology . He understands psychology from a biological point of view .
Functional psychology : from the Chicago to the Colombia School
Reinterpretations of the Early French Functional Psychology
He gains great compliments as one of the founders of functionalism psychology school home and aboard .
Due to the functionalism is formed under the influence of James'pragmatic psychology , thus this paper gives a brief comment on his pragmatic psychology .
Having carefully studied American philosophy of pragmatism and psychology of functionalism , Dewey gradually formed his educational theory focusing on the relationship between education and life , education and growth , and school and society .
After comparing the research tendencies o the Chicago and the Colombia schools in functional psychology , this paper proceeds to argue that it is their differences that make the transition from the mentalism a continuous process , of which the functional psychology just happens to be a linkage .