
  • 网络Mind-Body;mind-body relationship;mind-body relation
  1. 进而进一步指出了在不同的发展阶段心身关系发展的不同特点。

    Then it states further the different characteristic of the development of the mind-body relationship ( MBR ) under the different seedtime .

  2. 心身关系问题是当代哲学、心理学、认知科学等学科里最饶有趣味的、及其艰深复杂的前沿问题之一。

    The mind-body relationship ( MBR ) is one of the most interesting and complicated issue of contemporary philosophy , psychology and epistemology .

  3. 心身关系在神经性厌食症中的体现

    The Personification of Spirit and Body Relationship in Anorexia Nervosa

  4. 机体与心灵&关于心身关系的思考

    Organism and the Mind & Reflections on the Relations between Mind and Body

  5. 身体性理论:新现象学解决心身关系的新尝试

    Embodiment Theory : New Attempts of Neo-phenomenalists at Dealing with the Body-and-Mind Relationship

  6. 联想实验的心身关系。

    On the psychophysical relations of the association experiment .

  7. 心身关系中的哲学观点论争

    The Argument of Philosophical Ideas in Psychosomatic Relationship

  8. 其二,虚拟实在技术从空间和时间层面拓展了心身关系问题。

    Virtual actuality technology has extended the field of MBR from space and time .

  9. 心身关系问题研究具有深厚的人学背景。

    Studies of the relations between the mind and body has a profound background of human science .

  10. 形神相卫的心身关系论揭示了精神与躯体、养神与养身相互依存的密切关系;

    The theory concerning body and mind reveals the close relationship between the spirit and the body as well as ways to preserve both .

  11. 由此论述了心理学和生理学的联系和区别,以及与心身关系有关的其它几个问题。

    Hence , this paper deals with the association and difference between psychology and physiology , and several other problems of the relation between mind and body .

  12. 探索意识的本质首先要符合脑科学研究的经验实证,也要从哲学高度对各种心身关系理论进行整合,统一认知构架。

    Exploration of the essence of consciousness should firstly accord with the research experience of brain science and then integrate various relationships between mind and materials to unite recognition frame .

  13. 通过考察,本文指出了心身关系经历了从灵魂与肉体的关系到心灵与身体关系的发展过程。

    Through the investigation , this article points out the growing process of MBR which undergoes the experience from ' soul and flesh ' to ' spirit and body ' .

  14. 虚拟主体性也带来了主体性发展的新问题,如心身关系问题、道德责任问题、自我认同问题及高风险问题等。

    The philosophical theories on virtual subject also face some new problems , such as the relation between mentality and physicality , moral responsibility , self-identification and possibility of high risks .

  15. 对心身关系问题的思考可追溯到原始时期,在古代早有以灵魂与肉体关系问题形成的宗教崇拜。

    The problem of the relationship between thinking of mind-body can be traced back to the original period , in ancient times had a problem with the soul and body relation formed religious worship .

  16. 由于对心身关系的重视,中医学在对待人类的健康和疾病问题上,表现出与西方医学截然不同的态度,形成了风格迥异的医学模式。

    Owing to the mind and body mutuality emphasis , traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of human health and disease , and demonstrate the different attitudes of Western medicine , and form a different style medical model .

  17. 人类对心身关系的认识经历了古代社会的心身统一,中世纪和近代社会的心身分离,到现代社会心身在更高层次上的重新统一的历程。

    Human 's knowledge about the problem of mind and body went through the unification of mind and body in ancient society , the separation of mind and body in middle ages , the reunification of mind and body on higher rank in modern society .

  18. 目的综合国内关于述情障碍与心身疾病关系的研究(以TAS-26为测量工具)。

    Objective To review studies on relationship between alexithymia and psychosomatic disorders via TAS-26 .

  19. 老年人A型行为与心身疾病的关系

    Relationship Between Type A Behavior and Mental Diseases in the Elderly

  20. 赌博及参赌者个性特征与心身健康的关系

    The relationship between gambling and personality of gambler and psychosomatic health

  21. 针灸医学与心身医学的关系探讨

    Exploration of the Relationship Between the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Medicine and Psychosomatic Medicine

  22. 从应激的生化反应谈A型行为与心身疾病的关系

    Correlation between Type A Behavior and Psychosomatic Disorder through Biochemical Response of Stress

  23. 中职学生自我概念、社会支持与心身症状的关系

    The Relationship of Self-concept , Social Support and Psychosomatic Symptoms for Secondary vocational School Students

  24. 大学生的自立人格与心身症状的关系从身心关系理论审视精神超越之可能

    The Relationship between Self-Supporting Personality and Mental-Physical Status Thinking of the Possibility of Spiritual Transcendence from Perspective of Body-Mind Relation

  25. 本文从应激的生化机制这一角度出发,融合吸收了近期内最具权威性的资料论述了A型行为与心身疾病的关系。

    The article is abort the relation between type A behavior and psychosomatic disorder . It put emphasis on biochemical response of stress .

  26. 应激认知理论认为,应对是应激源与应激反应之间重要的中介变量,它影响着应激反应的性质和强度,进而调控着应激同个体心身健康的关系。

    The cognitive theory of stress suggests that coping , an important mediated variable , plays an important role between stressors and stress responses and influences the character and intensity of stress responses and regulates the relationship between stress and mental health .

  27. 目的:分析糖尿病与心身疾病的关系,以及探讨从肝论治糖尿病的可行性与必要性。方法:通过查阅糖尿病与心身疾病、糖尿病与肝的相关文献并结合笔者在临床中总结出的经验。

    Purpose : To analyze the relationship between diabetes and psychosomatic disease , and investigate the feasibility and necessity for diabetes from the liver . Method : Combine many literatures on diabetes , psychosomatic disease and TCM of liver with experience from clinical practice .

  28. 结果:色彩与人格、心理以及心身健康有密切关系。

    Result : Color is closely concerned with personality psychology and mental and physical health .

  29. 在空间上体现为:心身所处环境、心身关系本身以及心身生存方式的拓展。

    The space extension is represented in the environment of mind-body , MBR itself and the existence of mind - body .

  30. 本研究采用横断面研究的方法,调查医学生的心身健康状况,并系统的研究人格、应付方式和生活事件等与医学生心身健康状况关系。目的测查知识分子的心身健康状况、职业满意度及其相关性。

    There have been many studies on college students ' psychological health , but there are few studies on college students ' psychosomatic health . Objective To look into the psychosomatic health , occupation satisfaction and life satisfaction of intellectuals , and analysis the relations among them .