
jī xiè bì
  • mechanical arm
  1. 这张有机械臂的特殊床对小范有很大帮助,但商店里没有卖。

    The special bed with a mechanical arm helps Xiaofan a lot , but it is not sold in stores .

  2. 他成功了!借助他从书本中学到的知识,他把一个机械臂放在了床的末端。

    He made it ! With the help of what he had learned from the books , he put a mechanical arm at the end of the bed .

  3. 包括天和核心舱在轨测试、再生生保系统验证、机械臂测试与操作训练,以及物资与废弃物管理等。

    First , they will operate and manage the complex , including the in-orbit test of the Tianhe module , verification of the recycling and life support system , testing and operation training of the robotic arm , as well as management of materials and waste .

  4. 基于DSP的液压挖掘机机械臂操控系统设计

    Design of Control System for Manipulators of Hydraulic Excavator Based on DSP

  5. 在传统的PID控制设计的基础上,分析了积分分离的PID控制算法,仿真结果表明基于积分分离PID控制的柔性机械臂振动控制效果优于传统的PID控制方法。

    Moreover , the control performance based on integration separation PID control is superior to traditional PID control .

  6. 基于OpenGL的机械臂控制系统仿真平台研究

    OpenGL Based Experimental Platform for Simulation of Robot Arm Control System

  7. 构筑了一个基于Internet的机械臂实时控制系统,用户可以通过网络控制机械臂跟踪运动目标。

    A real-time control system was developed , which allows an arm manipulator to be teleoperated so as to track the moving target via Internet .

  8. 并通过实例,实现了柔性机械臂系统的滑动关节在PID控制下的启停仿真。

    A flexible robot arm simulation system is built under the PID control in this paper as an example .

  9. 通过对双机械臂和三机械臂的轨迹跟踪控制的MATLAB仿真,证明了控制策略的有效性。

    The MATLAB based simulation results of the two and three rigid-arms system prove that PD control schemes are effective .

  10. 虚拟机械臂和ADAMS在空间机械臂研究中的应用

    Application of VM and ADAMS in space manipulator

  11. 基于增广RBF神经网络的混沌系统辨识参数不确定空间机械臂系统的增广自适应控制

    Identifying chaotic system using extended RBF neural network ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF SPACE-BASED MANIPULATOR WITH UNCERTAIN PARAMETERS

  12. 结合国际上基于多个智能体(Agent)的机械臂控制方法和先进的嵌入式系统技术,提出了一种基于嵌入式多Agent的机械臂控制方法。

    This paper presented a method for the multi-agent based embedded system control of manipulator based on the integration of multi-agent based distributed manipulator control with advanced embedded system technology .

  13. 新型6-DOF串并混联拟人机械臂的性能分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of a Novel 6-DOF Hybrid Mechanical Arm

  14. 机械臂关节空间Bezier曲线轨迹规划

    Bezier path planning for manipulator in joint coordinates

  15. Gauss法在具有柱铰链连接的单开链机械臂系统动力学问题的应用

    Application of the Gauss ′ s Method on the Dynamic Problems of a Manipulator with a Single Hinge Point

  16. Kane方程在机械臂动力学中的应用

    On the Application of Kane 's Equation to the Manipulator Dynamics

  17. 双连杆柔性机械臂Timoshenko梁动力学模型

    Timoshenko beam dynamic model for a double - link flexible machine arm

  18. 通过使用UG三维建模软件建立了机械臂的三维模型,为各部件工作时的受力分析和动力学分析打下了基础。

    By using UG 3d modeling software , the mechanical arms are established for all parts of 3d model .

  19. 智能象棋机器人系统主要由基于DSP的视觉系统、基于ARM的嵌入式上位机系统、运动控制器和机械臂组成。

    The system of playing-Chinese-chess robot is composed of vision system based on DSP , embedded upper monitor system based on ARM , motion controller and robot arm .

  20. 本文的主要工作是机械臂终端多自由度视频头调节机械手的运动学建模及其参数自适应模糊PID控制系统的设计。

    The kinematics modeling and parameters adapt fuzzy-PID control system design of the video regulator manipulator on the terminal of the arm is the focus of this text .

  21. 空间刚柔性机械臂振动抑制的LQ最优控制方法

    The LQ optimal control method for vibration suppression of rigid flexible space manipulator

  22. 最后用平面3R冗余度机械臂进行了计算仿真。

    Finally , simulation results of a planar 3R redundant manipulator are given .

  23. 客户端软件利用OpenGL绘制机器人三维模型完成利用虚拟现实技术进行仿真的功能,并给出一个机械臂的空间路径规划算法。

    The client software implements simulating functions by drawing 3D robot model in OpenGL , and a path-planning algorithm also is brought forward .

  24. 描述了一类平面2R机械臂的模型.滚动接触时机器人手的操纵


  25. 针对远程控制系统的非线性和难以精确建模的特点,设计BP神经网络的PID控制器来控制机械臂。

    Designed PID neural network controller to realize the network remote control , and to solve the nonlinearity of the remote control system and the difficulties to describe its matrix accurately .

  26. 研究了用于柔性机械臂振动控制的线性二次型最优控制和基于积分分离的PID控制算法;

    This pares the way for an integrative process to suppress transient vibration and obtain precise target tracking by using linear quadratic optimal control and integration separation PID control algorithm respectively .

  27. 对在空间技术中,具有一刚杆,两柔杆加上刚性负载所组成的三维机械臂系统,采用Gear算法进行数值仿真。

    Numerical simulation based on the Gear algorithm is applied to the 3-D manipulator system used in the space technology , which is consisted of one rigid rod , two flexible rods with rigid load .

  28. 然后,进一步分析了机械臂的D-H参数对工作空间的影响;

    Then , the manipulator ′ s D-H parameters ′ influence on workspace was analyzed .

  29. 加之移动机械臂动力学模型中存在的不确定性、驱动电机的参数不确定性以及外界干扰和未建模动态等因素,使得移动机械臂成为一类典型的MIMO非线性不确定系统。

    It is also a typical MIMO nonlinear uncertain system with parametric uncertainty in the dynamic model including motor dynamics and disturbances from the external environments or unmodelled dynamics etc.

  30. 采用DH法建立该多关节机械臂完整的运动学模型,并给出了在各种情况下的运动学逆解。

    Integrated kinematics model was made by using method of DH , and all kinds of the inverse kinematics problems were also solved .